Title: Decisions
Author: SunnyD_lite
Prompt: Will
Set: BtVS Pre series
Rating: G (hey, I'm getting my feet wet)
A/N: Hi! It's my first drabble here, but
Darkhavens tempted me.
He traced the Olympic Rings of water stains on the scarred wood table. Dark. Dank. Cheap drivel on tap. But the most important thing was the company. This crowd knew.
And, unlike the Council, they played.
"Another pint, Ripper?" He jerked, still unaccustomed to the name he'd chosen for himself. Not used to the attention that the skinny fellow--Rayne wasn't it?-- was paying him. That one didn't just talk. He did. And now he was humming.
Giles listened a moment, then caught the refrain. Will you, won't you, won't you join the dance?
He looked at Rayne, and nodded.