(no subject)

Jun 01, 2011 21:44

Title: Tuning
Rating: G
Fandom: Dragonriders of Pern
Words: 100
A/N: Drabble two. Tentative series title, 'Life in the Harper Hall.'

Menolly leans over the gitar’s neck, biting her lips, and tweaks the pegs slightly. Just slightly.

She strums the strings and cringes at the squawk that the A string makes, and tries again. Tilting her ear to it, she checks the tuning against the next string. She has the A string right, but when she strums it, the low E is out of tune. Menolly sighs.

A moment later, she gets the lower E string into tune, and then D declares its malcontent. Menolly adjusts the pegs carefully, biting harder on her lower lip.

Who thought music would be work?

drabble, fic, dragonriders of pern

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