Pimp Post (Sakuraba, Lil'Dragopimp, Yzak, Teito, Piper, Rabi, Hotstreak, Brook)
CFUW Fallout Day 3(Ed, Zidane, Anemone)
CFUW Fallout Day 2:
Alfred |
Mona and Polar Bear 26
Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaby Narbear!Edward, Anemone, MOMO, Serifar, Shinkurou, Ith, Zidane, Raine, Canaan, Kintaros, Mikage, Mikah, Stiaan, Peppo, Zee, Riku, Azula, Rabi, Usopp, Ro, Brook, Ping, Nodame
CFUW Fallout post:
Alfred |
Matthew |
Medusa |
Sora :( 25
Truth (Fuura, Edward, Zee, Ping) |
Anemone Chinese New Year (Ryoumou, China, Ronan)
Don't go in the laaaake (Tidus)
I say, it's foggy! (Sharon, Serifar, Anemone, Ping, Shinkurou)
A bump in the night (MONSTER, Mikah)
Introductions (Ned)
Saving Throw joke goes here (Catcher)
CFUW Canon-Carry-Over Death Game
Day One |
Ousting One Day Two |
Ousting Two Day Three | Ousting Three
Day Four |
Ousting Four Day Five |
Final CFUW Team Posts:
Our Team |
The..mumble Waters mumble |
Capell and Waters|
With Blind Watchers |
Beasts who Devour the Cold |
Medusa's Sheep Post |
Capell and Devoured Parents |
Blind Watchers, Devoured Parents