shegollum, to
stormatdusk, to
foxrafer, to
inspiredlife, to
poetic_self, to
ainsoph15, to
indigolands, to
xchasingtailsx, to
kitty_van_kat, to
downtide, to
fisk_blackmun, to
anthos65, to
nverland, to
asknosecrets, to
undrocknroll, to
cynical_terror, to
mellacita, to
princessofg, to
glass_moment, to
trueriver, to my friend RM, to my friend P, to my friends B, M, K, M-E, S, C, B, E, K, R, T, and N, to, to via facebook, to, and to Goodwill, the Hospice shop, the fruit trees planted here and there on the uni campus, and
each of you has, and all of you have, helped me with a little rough patch here, and i am truly grateful.