For Viggo, on his 50th birthday

Oct 20, 2008 09:35

Because so much of the time
You're airborne-

Between here and there
In body as well as in mind.

Rambling on, words coming within
Tongue's reach, fit this way and that
To make ideas, concepts,
Whole and something you can share.

You're generous like that,
Taking of your privacy-

And yet you're brave, too,
Keeping back some of yourself
For yourself.

For you- whether out of the plane's window
Or walking barefoot riverside-

You know it's beautiful here,
And each day is a gift all in itself.

Earth From Above, photographs of Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Thanks to stormatdusk for the initial heads-up about this photographer.

photography, friends, poetry, gifts

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