home, or nearly

Jul 23, 2007 12:35

in heathrow. bags checked, taking a moment before going through security to settle my thoughts and turn my compass toward home.

so many impressions. this trip was all about the people; even though i 'missed' a lot of sightseeing i saw what i came for- smiles in my friends' eyes and bits of their worlds; my godson married; and a world that's not filtered through the US media/politics. God, it's good out here.

so now, back home, to work and bills and untidy rooms, a vaguely unhappy head roomie, and the rest of the Child Lit to finish- but nothing weighs what it did, because I'm more bouyant now.

thanks to the many many people who helped me put this trip together. the euslashyretreaters, poetic_self, xchasingtailsx, pferde, indigolands, paulabm, and so many others whose names escape me at the moment, but as it says above, you know who you are. The tips, support, and encouragement really paid off.

blessings on your heads, all. be excellent to one another, and be well.

europe 2007, friends, travel

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