Title: The Past Never Leaves
slasherfersure (aka Nicole)
Pairing: references to Mike/Jessica ; possible Edward/Mike & Alice/Bella
Disclaimer: I own nothing relating to Twilight by Stephanie Meyer.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slight cursing; dark themes (it's has vampires, of course it has dark themes).
Summary: When Scott Newton killed Pierre Norse, he didn't know Pierre had a vampire lover. Now, generations later, that vampire is ready to get revenge and her victim is Mike Newton, a man she's followed since he was nineteen. Mike, unaccustomed to the new world he's now unwillingly become a part of, is given two protectors - Edward and Jasper.
Chapter: 1/35
The sound of his heart beating was so loud Mike couldn’t hear if anybody was following him. It was all he heard; the rapid pounding that he felt all throughout his body. His veins felt like they were going to burst open as he continued to run, just as he had been instructed.
He felt the blood dry and the strange sensation of the dry blood stretching on his arm as he ran through the branches, not caring about the spider webs that he knew were in the forest. Nothing mattered now but survival, but it wasn’t just his survival. It was for the survival of Jessica and their unborn child Van back in LA, thousands of mile from where he was now.
A sharp grip on his arm made Mike arch his back and yelp in surprise, trying to pull away from the grip though he knew it was hopeless. He closed his eyes and thrashed around, trying to get free but the grip didn’t loosen or tighten. He didn’t dare open his eyes. He didn’t want to see the monster that had killed his coworkers and the clients he had been trying to help. It would be too dangerous.
“Look at me, Mike,” the voice demanded, sounding strained as if said through clenched teeth. Maybe if he could have been easily swayed like women he knew - Bella first came to mind - who met the Cullen’s, he would‘ve listened. The only problem was he couldn’t be swayed easily like women, especially when he knew what kind of monsters they were - the bloodthirsty, evil kind.
Mike kept his eyes closed, feeling the bitter cold grip through his jacket as if it weren’t even there. He could feel his body cooling, except for his face. He could feel the blood pumping and the emotion that surged through him was hate - pure, intense hate.
He hadn’t felt this amount of hate in a long time, but this was no time for nostalgia - this was a matter of life and death. The only problem was he wasn’t dead yet - or, at least, he wasn’t aware of it yet.
“Why are you so full of hate, yet so confused, too?” Mike violently jerked his arm up to get it out of his captor’s hands - big mistake. The pain was searing; everything on his face opened, but nothing came out. The only noise that was heard was the snap of Mike’s arm. The heavy pulse was pounding in his ears again, but he was staring in fear at the blond haired man until the final wave of pain hit him and he fell limp but conscious.
He moved his eyes away from the man and focused them where his eyes were; his broken arm. It was broken at the elbow, the bone sticking out as blood dripped from the wound. The grip became loose and Mike tried to fully get out of the man’s grip - it was a success.
He didn’t look back as he sprinted away from the man, his arm hanging helpless at his side. His legs and arms were burning, but his will to survive was too strong to let it slow him down now. The only way he would stop running would be if his legs somehow broke, and even then he’d do anything he could to stay alive and away from the monster behind him.
Suddenly he burst into tears and fell to the ground beside a tree. The pain in his arm was horrible, but the pain in his chest was even worse. The pain of knowing that his son would grow up without a father; that his wife would be without a lover; that his family would have to grieve for the second child that year.
“Don’t go near my family, you motherfucker.” Mike snarled, closing his eyes as his arm burned even more fiercely. He could tell that this would be his final memory - the last memory he would ever have. He was going to die at the hands of a murderer, but he was glad that the last words he said to Jessica were ‘I love you’. He also knew that Van would know him through the photo album that Jessica and he had created before he left so that he would at least know what his father looked like…
“We aren’t going to hurt Jessica or Van.” He knew that voice - Edward. Mike snarled, his hatred pouring out like fire as he opened his eyes and glared at the two monsters in front of him. They both had their noses plugged and the one next to Edward was staring intently at him.
“Jasper, go get Carlisle, he’ll fix his arm.” Edward said. Jasper fled instantly, glad to be away from the smell of the blood. Mike’s mind wandered back to Jessica and he wished that he had told Eric that if something were to ever happened to him to take care of Jessica and Van.
Something surged inside of Mike and he found strength to stand; even if it was with the help of a tree trunk. He suddenly realized that no, he was not going to give up this easily. Mike Newton never goes down without a fight.
Mike’s eyes darted to the patch of forest on his left, but Edward was suddenly standing there with his arms crossed. It was as if Edward were scolding him.
Pain surged through Mike’s chest, making him keel over and choke on welling up tears. He would never get to scold his own son for the same things he did when he was younger, all because of this monster.
“We aren’t going to kill you, we’re trying to protect you.” Edward said, trying to calm down Mike. Mike tried to yell but it came out like a growl. He knew they were lying - they were going to kill him. He didn’t need protection, his family did.
“No, you don’t get it. Somebody is after you and your family-” Mike fell on the ground, his broken arm laying uselessly on the ground. “-and they are very dangerous. Even more dangerous than us.” Mike gave up. He couldn’t move now, not with his arm like this and the unbearable pain throughout his body. He slumped in defeat, using his other arm to support himself.
Edward pulled out a syringe filled with a green-ish liquid and injected it into Mike’s neck, effectively putting him into a deep, well-deserved sleep.
He would find out about the deaths of Jessica and Van soon enough…