Remember Me:
I was skeptical. Definitely skeptical. I mean, I've heard countless things about Robert Pattinson in other movies, in THE movie (and even if you don't like it, you know what I'm talking about) -- his stoicism, his expressionlessness, his lazy voice and his cold eyes. can I say this?
There's something so real about him. It's the imperfections that set him apart: the hair, the just edge of ugliness and beauty that surrounds his face, the way his smile is almost creepy and cold while also inviting you. I'm not gushing here -- just saying why, as an actor, he rivets me. Specifically, in this movie.
This movie role was made for him, I tell you. The character is cynical with a touch of sarcastic wit, angry, irrational, pained, and tortured by his own soul and its relationships with others. He smokes and drinks too much and he doesn't know how to have a proper connection with many people besides his eleven year old sister, who has grown into tolerating all that she can't change about him.
But he makes you love him. He makes you LOVE Tyler Hawkins, want to save him at the same time as admire him for being so incredibly unmoved, unaltered, by anything. I fell for the character despite, or maybe even because of, his flaws, just like his love interest, Ally.
And then...they kill him.
They make you love him and then they kill him. It broke my heart, absolutely.
The premise of this film is sadism, pure and true, and yet, I loved it. I'm still in love with it, as the DVD menu's music plays over, and over, and over, and over, and I listen to it and think about maybe even watching it AGAIN, less than ten minutes after the first time.
It's good, okay? Just. fucking. good.