Here's the pictures I promised, of varying subjects.
First, Christmas cookies!
Voldemort (shut up, it is him!)
Harry Potter himself! (isn't he cute?)
Redbeard, the pirate. :p
a mermaid! Just because.
Frodo (*sings* of the ninnnneee fingers, and the ring of DOOM!)
Gollum. Because he was easy to do. (That sounded dirty...)
The Puppy!
This is how she likes to sleep. On her back. Not even kidding.
She looks like a fetus!
She is SO. Cute. I miss her. :/
And playful! :)
A couple pics from my xmas party!
The infamous Metro. Don't ask why he's posed like that.
Wow, my friends are camera whores. NOT.
So this is when, after everyone but Kels and Eddie left, Eddie decides it would be fun to look through my closet. Apparently that includes trying things on. Like my 50 year old slippers. A scuffle insued.
Finally, the friends!mix coverart!
Thats all I have for now, I believe.
So I got my last christmas presents from my favorite cousins the other day;
$25 in iTunes from Erin, and an amazing Slytherin sweater and patch (actually from from
Alivans, the official HP store) from
threthiel9. THANK YOU!
In other news, I got half of my internship done for my graduation requirements as a law magnet student. *bleck* I job shadowed a bunch of civil litigation lawyers on the 14th floor of a huge building downtown, nodding my head and pretending to be fascinated by the workings of desk-job law research, contracts, and the like. I did get a couple of free lunches at very expensive restaurants out of it, though. :) Still, I have to go back for two more days in spring break. NOT. LOOKING. FORWARD. TO THAT. :/
But, I'm trying to focus on the positive right now. Like knowing that the the internship is half-over, and the worst year of my life (let's hope) is half-over, and watching angsty korean dorama on Riley whilst snuggled in bed. Ah, the little joys of life. ♥
my love to you all,