
Jan 08, 2009 00:23

"Hah, you will never catch me, Steel Samurai!"

"Don't get too cocky, Evil Magistrate. Justice always prevails!"

A metallic samurai appeared in all his silvery shiny glory, filling the screen with his awesome presence. Some floodlights, spotlights and properly placed camera angles helped emphasize the effect too, but that was besides the point. The Steel Samurai was here to save Neo Olde Tokyo from the evil clutches of the uh, Evil Magistrate!

"Take that!" The Evil Magistrate lunged at the Steel Samurai, with an evil twisted look on his face. The Steel Samurai didn't even flinch as he took his spear and jumped at him as well, looking cool and awesome... at the SAME TIME. It was getting to the heart-pounding ending when suddenly--

"CUT, CUT, CUT! OK, Steel Samurai, you were great," yelled the director. "But good God, Magistrate, get your act together! Your arm is like a limp noodle, your legs are all over the place, and what was up with that battle cry? Sounds like my old mum getting her rear stuck in the doorway. You got all that Phoenix? Get it right next time, we're cutting it way too close!"

Phoenix removed his Evil Magistrate mask and nodded apologetically to the director. "S-Sorry, sir."


*blinks slowly a few times, yawns, then turns off the alarm clock on his DreamBerry*

I knew I should have changed that ring tone to something other than the Steel Samurai's Theme Song...

ic, wright has dumb dreams, dream, lol

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