Remember Manzanar!

Apr 25, 2011 04:26

The unlawful detainment of known and obvious innocents is one of the first major proofs of a tyranny and the US is guilty as charged, again, and again! Amerika is NOT the land of the free! freedom at the convenience of the government is NOT freedom. It is not just the fact that Guantanamo exists, it is the fact that it can exist without major protest by the American sheeple. Amerika has forgotten the base meaning of freedom!

Again and again I point out that the Federal Government of the United States of America is a Rogue Government 1 .

Since that scumbag (Abraham Lincoln) was handed War Powers during the US Civil War, no POTUS 2 has ever relinquished a War Power willingly. Indeed, I suspect that to be the fundamental reason that Lincoln was assassinated. He was about to relinquish the tyrannical powers granted him for the Civil War. In truth, he should never have  had them! Note that the United States has been under continuous War Emergency since the US Civil War.

This parallels the sad history of the Romans, who started as a Republic run by a Triumvirate. They had an exemption for what they called a Tyrant 3  .  I make careful and obvious note that the US Constitution has no provision for a tyrant. This is by careful design and is not an oversight. However, this and other non-trivial matters 4 are simply ignored by the current US Federal Government. The US federal Government has long ago stopped being a government of the people and is now a tyranny of the Demo-Republican parties, The Tyrannical Republic of Amerika which is no better than The People’s Republic of North Korea. Both are fascist tyrannies, as was the old Roman Empire.

George Walker Bush (Junior Bush) is and was the most disgusting and evil President in US history 5 . He has done more than anyone to undermine American freedoms and the US Constitution. Now, three years after we elected Obama, Barack Obama has proven that he is not one bit better than the Evil Bush. Obama has unilaterally extended the the Patriot Acts to long after the US Congress rescinded them. This is simply because he does not want to dismantle the Department of Homeland Security, the single largest Police State tool that has ever existed. The fact that he does not want to dismantle it makes him no better than the Evil Bush that built it in the first place.

  1. A rogue government is a government that does not follow its own rules. For the US, those rules are enshrined in the US Constitution. [ ]
  2. President of the United States [ ]
  3. This is where the word originally came from and simply means Supreme Commander, during times of war. Unfortunately, as Rome grew, they were always at war and their tyrants found it increasingly easier to decline to relinquish their tyranny until one finally declared himself Emperor. The parallel to the US Federal government is obvious. [ ]
  4. Like the protections of the writ of habeas corpus and the protections against improper and unlawful search and seizure [ ]
  5. I’m a Republican and I still hate him! [ ]

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