happy monday...or not

Feb 05, 2007 15:57

You know it's just going to be one of those days when you walk in anthropology class early in the morning and female genitil cutting is first thing on the board. I'm feeling like my intelligence is lacking in that class and my honors class. I know I ought to add to the discussion and I can, I just haven't. I'm still having trouble speaking out more in class. But I need to fulfill my honors role. It's such a slow moving process.

And I smell like the freaking science lab, my skin still smells like my scent which is good but that science-y smell lingers and it isn't pleasant. It took me a while to register and identify that smell. Whenever I think of science, the lecture or lab isn't exactly the first thing that comes to mind.

I'm still trying to figure out the logistics of this for complete lack of a better word, crush. Why do we have them and why for some people and not others? I'm really trying to understand this though I should just be normal, accept it and let it go. But it's driving me crazy. I'd like to say there ain't nothing special about the boy in question, I mean, really, he ought to pull his pants up and he wears the same hooded shirt number every time I see him, but yet I still get all floaty-like. It's absurd.

Anyway, after this long odd day, I think I need to drown my sorrows in some smores pop-tarts and read a few quote fics as a pick me up, of course. I'm working my way through the bunch, think I've read a little over twenty so far and reviewed all of them. Everything's really good but there were some serious stand outs. Shocfix and willowwand's fics had lines that just made me melt, I love it when that happens. And I just loved that bit in Cryptograph with Hermione making the anagrams of Ron's name, that so spoke to me, I love it when you can identify with characters in a fanfic ;) Planning to Fail was just brill, I was wondering what she'd do with a quote like that when there' so many possibilites; I'm always up for an awesome Gred & Forge lay a good one on everyone kind of fic, those are always classic.
I'm actually satisfied with my story, I liked it but part of me kept going back and forth on all the little details, but overall I'm pleased with it. I did cringe a bit when I noticed a few of the errors in it I forgot to correct, I did a rush editing job at school. Okay, it took, like, an hour but I didn't know my story was so long until I went through. The challenge was so much fun, cm's so lovely.
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