Finally done with finals. They weren't too bad but now I'm a free woman until sometime next month (I don't even know when school starts up again).
I think I should do fairly well on my history test, the class is easy and I haven't gotten less than an A in it but I've been wondering about my Eng.Comp class, my essay exam is either full of crap or pretty good. But I got a B on my documented essay so I have more B's on assignments in that class than I do A's so I'm a bit worried about getting a B, I shouldn't be, that's a good grade but I really want that A, I went to every class except one and participated not as much as I could have but still. The math exam was okay, I actually got my test highest grade on the final exam, it's gotta be the multiple choice that helped me out, but overall the grade is only a low C, I don't know if that's enough to pass though I really hope it is.
I forgot how much Vice City is, I've been playing these past two days when I should have gone to bed, to de-stress not that finals this semester were particularly stressful. Such fun, but I've had Billie Jean stuck in my head for the past two days. But the best way to kick back and relax is watching the full season of Lost on dvd. Went out and got season two tonight, now I'm addicted to the show. Season one was so good. Boone's death was depressing though, he wasn't my favorite but he was really growing on me. The part that really did me in though was the dog trying to swim towards his boy, I used to have a lab that I miss muchly, dogs are great. I haven't seen all of season two, it's great to watch it in order. The others ought to be interesting for a while and the talies even though they're all dead now.
When I was at Hollywood video, I noticed the guy working there was from my English class. I didn't say anything to him, I'm not sure he even noticed me but now I'm thinking I probably seem all rude-like if he did. He and his girlfriend didn't come to class all that often and they usually sat on the other side being all lovey dovey like so I don't even know if he'd recognize me anyway. But this past semester, I'm worried I seem rude and all anti-social. I'm a nice person, really, but I'm not sure how to shift my personality some so that I seem more approachable-for lack of a better word-. I've always been the quiet sort that kind blends into the scenery but I do want to work on putting myself out there a bit more. Like I could have participated in class more but I just didn't. I just need to figure out how to go about doing that.