So when I started this pursuit of my Chiropractic degree, I knew up front that I was going to spend 9 months with a cadaver, what I found out was I was going to be very close to 10 cadavers. I knew before hand that I was going to be doing some blood draws on my classmates, and that my classmates were going to do some on me. what I found out was that meant 20 blood draws on me and 2 blood draws on each of 10 different classmates over the course of 10 weeks, before we are permitted to do any other draws on patients. What I knew was that I was going to have to know how to do a vaginal exam, a proctological exam and a male urinary exam. What I found out was that I was going to have to perform each of these exams on live models.
This past weekend I finished doing just that. Over the course of this past term I have been scheduled to perform one of each of the 'specialty' exams on a live model. A person who is hired to come in and be a patient for each of the interns in my quarter. From what I learned is that the exams that we learn to do at WSCC is more involved and thorough than those done by regular specialist who are doing these exams on real patients. Not that DCs are called on to perform these exams on a regular basis, but if we need to we have been well trained and have at least done it once on a real person. Although the doc who was instructing us on the procto- exam is a DC who has a
hemorrhoid clinic in NE Portland. Why a doc would go through the difficult process to become a chiropractor then spend his entire career with his hands on people's butts' is beyond me, but he seems to enjoy his work and it is a service that the public needs. Just as there are DCs who have ob-gyn clinics. Each providing a natural alternative for patients who need those services. Great for them; not for me.
However it could have been worse. In the past these exams were performed on other students. We would have had to perform these exams on our classmates, and have the exams performed on us. So I am hugely grateful for the models who provide these services.