(no subject)

Jan 05, 2008 08:53


aim it at bobs hugh knife like he was playin the wii bowlin game and knoked it right out of bobos hand savving brayn eno! inn curtis secritly luved brayn whil he was hvaing ~secrit wampire luv afair~ w/brain fairy! now that brain fairy was dead he cold have brayn eno to his self! but while he steak claim on brayn bob said omg wtch out th fyling bare is bak!! +moz~ber decides he wasn't done wih curis & beets him up sum moar b ut en0))) stps him n sex 'HAY MOZ STUOP BETING UP MY BF CRUTIS IAANE' n moz wus lyke "HOLY SHIT IT'S BRAIN ENO i LUv Taking Tiger mtn by stragety!!!" bt eN000 isnt impresed cuz evry1 luv that ablum! mo2rizey relizes he wus bein a jrk and apoligisez 2 uCrurtiS aIN mnthen they make iojut bt zince mz iz a big grisly bar he cruches ien acindentely n en0 sez hu is driving? omg bear is driving~~ how can that be? so they hav an big americkan party and OMG WTF m0mus writez an entry on hiz jrnl bouit AMERIKKKA?? and HE POSTS PICS OF THE HUEG AMREICANA PAZTRY?? tehn he ANALYSEZ IT?????????? but tHEn theat guy idk his name oh wate bearmoz hAcKs LJ and deLeTES SEXY CUMUNITIES??? sew tehn p33n wents is liek "hay bearmoz i'm gonna post


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