Jan 05, 2008 08:53

 brain hand twhiched slitely on the ground maybe he still alyve! Bbob ran away frum nik bak 2 alexs funearl itwas o ver n vevr1 had left bt alx's body wus still their wating 2 b beried so he led nik 12 the body + apparintly nik was'nt very dissirning cos he ate alesx's flesh and ALEX CAME bak 2 life!!!!! n he wa sz a vampir ozmbie and bob ran aaaand scremed 'ON O WAT HAV I DONE THIS ISNOT TEH ALX I NEW!!!" n alx chetad on him w/vampre nik + thy had vampir/zomby sex and it wuz like this n bob vomitid + his vomet landid on brayn eno'z mekanickal brian * gave him nutrientz an d he cam back 2 life and sed HAY HAY I DUNT LIKE YR GIRLFRIEND which mede bbob sew angri that he wus liek f U U Breaaain! n he wuz cunna cut the enO brayen with a HUGE KNIFE but ten curtiz ion shoud up n sed WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII wile brandishin his wii (teh nintendo game not c0ck get ur mind outof the guttah!) and he

Figure 1.1: A Zombie

~*~*~*the best fic ever*~*~*~

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