Dec 06, 2007 08:51
"You cannot forget the words of others any more than you cannot feel the wind when it blows. But if you let the wind blow through you, you will take away its power to blow you down." -Oglala Lakota
"You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but yo can prevent them from building a nest in your hair." -Native American saying
"We cannot chose whether to engage with the world, only how to." -Stephen Batchelor
These quote have helped me...still help me, so i thought i would share them.
why am i suddenly addicted to writing on this?
i don't know, maybe it's my homesickness....this makes it feel like i am talk to you!
i talked to my parents this morning and i was telling them that i was homesick, and my dad said ya me too...when do i leave!? it was perfect....i love my family more than i could ever say. They are coming to visit in a month...almost exactly! very exciting stuff! Not Cut T boi, which is a bummer because i miss my bro soooooooooooo much. But i where my one earing knowing he has the other and the word cannot separate us but only bring us together.
Sometimes to re-remember who you are, you must first forget.
there is no reason for anyone not to love you
i'll be back soon cause i'm fucking addicted, but i'm too tired right now
yet, i have so much to say---not preach----just release