Why must all good things come to an end?

May 22, 2008 22:54

No, this isn't one of my usual graphic posts.  Instead, I'm using this post as an actual journal, sharing my thoughts and feelings.  So I won't clog up your friends list, you can follow the cut to find out more, if you want:

Hours ago, I attended the convocation ceremony for people in my university's department, even though I technically need one more class to fulfill a lower division general education requirement (a LONG story).  Anyways, while in a way it was a beginning, it was also an ending.  However, so far that hasn't really sunk in as much, nor emotionally affected me as much, as people leaving from my dormitory to eventually go back to their countries.

Yes, I said countries.  I live in a house-like dormitory that is the home-away-from-home for about 70 people from all over the world.  Many of these people are international or foreign exchange students (staying in the U.S. for one or two semesters).  A roommate from Japan, who I've been living with since August, left with another Japanese girl, someone I've also known since August, to go to Mexico and Peru before returning to their "real" homes.  My roommate and I connected so well together since day 1; in a way she kind of reminded me of myself.  We have probably only hugged a few times during the last several months, but last night, we hugged twice, actually more like holding each other for a few minutes each time with a little talking between the sobs.  I didn't expect to cry as much as I did; I don't really cry that often in general for personal things (maybe for the occasional sad movie).  I thought I would do OK with holding it together (and holding it in), but when she broke down both times, my control sort of broke-down as well (I say sort of because I was trying to not get too "messy" or make much noise.

More and more people are leaving, and it's kind of sad, yet comforting, to think of all of the memories we've shared together. 
On a somewhat related note, I came across a Dashboard Confessional song that I'd heard before, but now it feels so fresh, since I'm looking at it from a different perspective.  The song is "This Ruined Puzzle."  I've always thought it was a beautiful song, but I was appreciating it more from an aesthetic perspective (the melody; the lyrics, especially "Does he ever get the girl?" and the way that part is sung; etc.).  Now that I've had a couple good cry sessions and people that I've know for two semesters are leaving (I just gave a teary-eyed hug to a couple people), I appreciate the song on a deeper level.  While my situation(s) isn't/aren't over a romantic relationship, I do also feel a sense of loss (I started listening to that song not long after my roommate left).

As a bonus, I've listened to this song multiple times on YouTube by watching a fan video (using different, lovely fan art, BTW) that ships Snape and Lilly from the Harry Potter series.  If you're familiar with that, especially The Prince's Tale chapter from the seventh book, you know how poignant that is. I've posted the video here, but THERE ARE SPOILERS in the video from the seventh book:

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