The only thing I have to say about The One Where Merlin Fell In Love With a Bat-Panther is OMG KAWAII. I have the squee. If I were thirteen again, I would RIGHT NOW be writing in a notebook the glorious story of how Freya, Lady of the Lake and were-panther-with-wings totally survived and learned to control her powers so she and Merlin could become awesome sorcerers and like, fight crime. Or something.
Thank God, I'm not a thirteen year old. I was sure happy when the spoilers told us she'd be back, though.
I think other things happened in that story, but: fuck 'em. Freya is a were-panther-with-wings. And a thousand deviant-art furries were born.
Episode Ten, The One Where Arthur Gets Love-Potioned Because I Guess This Season's Theme Is Love: I really think Georgia Moffett is a gifted comedic actress. It kind of sucks that they cast her as Jenny in "Doctor Who", because I think in ten years she'd be a great contender for first female Doctor. Oh well. Maybe that just means they'll want to bring her character back, even though The Moff claims he doesn't even remember asking that she survive.
Um, on a more serious note Gwen/Arthur: she's too fucking good for him, by the way. I think we're supposed to believe that falling in love with a mere plebe is going to impart Great Justice on Arthur as King. And in the hands of more gifted writers I would buy that (and I actually like what it adds to the canon) but after two seasons Arthur mainly still acts like a princely tool whereas Gwen knows right and wrong already. Gwen=awesome. Arthur=twatface. The end.
I am really tired of this romcom shit, though. I hope the next three episodes really deliver.
Finally, I watched that thing where Colin Morgan and Bradley James go in search of the real Merlin and Arthur. Man, that was filmed on like zero budget, correct? It was also pointless though I'm sure RPFers are happy tonight.