First shot of the Eleventh Doctor's Costume!
It looks pretty good! Not overwhelmingly unique, but it has a lot of room to grow on you with the characterization. I'm excited now. (I think what Karen-as-Amy is wearing is more telling.)
Sean Bean picks up Game of Thrones along with Peter Dinklage.
Casting: officially too good.
Finally: have you heard the rumor that
Tennant is going to be playing Bilbo Baggins? THAT makes a LOT MORE SENSE than the rumor that the big sci-fi movie he's supposed to be in is the Doctor Who flick. I could never figure out who thought a Doctor Who movie was a good idea, since no one in America watches it. Unfortunately, Peter Jackson said he wasn't going to announce anything big at San Diego Comic-Con, which kind of puts my whole conspiracy theory to bed.
I really hope there's no Who movie, though. It just sounds like a bad, bad idea.