The internet's been back for a couple of days. I lived without it long enough to develop new habits, and now I'm forced to try and find a way to reintegrate the two forms of my life.
On Friday, I went to see my new favorite local band (I never really had an old favorite, so it's new to me and them): Imagine Dragons. I also ran into Brent at the bar.
On Saturday, I took Abby to Dr. Sketchies. I promise to upload the sketches to my art blog soon. Brent and Ashanti were there, along with Joe Bergin. I had an excellent time.
Today, I went to hang out with Cooper. Along the way, we went to Trader Joe's, the Amber Unicorn used book store and the library. I made us a flatbread pizza - first attempt, tomatoes and brie, it didn't completely suck. We ended up at Brent's to ask Joe a question about comics, thanks
sayunclecomics! Then we went to Luv It Custard, where there was drama about money and then the night ended early.
Tomorrow I am supposed to see Noelle and the baby at the new house. I hope it will be more zen.
I have done no art this weekend.