I made a macro tonight
here and
here. I just want to archive that I made it for posterity since without a doubt, no macro I ever make again will be as awesome.
Cooper and I watched the new Wonder Woman cartoon and we basically loved the crap out of it. It has a really, really high body count. The Amazons kill the fuck out of people and that's even before Diana gets made out of clay. There's some snarky bondage jokes, Themiscara looks convincingly majestic and spacious and there's a lot of good lines. Our favorite was "Nobody messes with Lincoln!"
Don't know how we felt about the depiction of Hades (they uh, mix it up quite a bit) or the very last scene, but I would gladly watch this one again and again.
I also bought a copy of Watchmen: Tales of the Black Freighter, which actually has two different pieces on it: the Black Freighter and a documentary on Hollis Mason's book, "Under the Hood", which covers the fictional history of crimefighting in the Watchmen universe. I got the feeling that they tried to sell lots of DVDs by promising animated zombie pirates, but I actually thought it was ridiculous. Fortunately, "Under the Hood" totally, totally is worth renting this.
I had to buy it because none of the stores I went to were renting it. There's another documentary about the importance of the interstitial material to the main narrative. It is an unfortunate waste of time because I think the only person who could really comment on the purpose of all of it is Moore and he doesn't want to oblige us.
Cooper and I managed to make it almost all the way through the motion comic preview chapter: seriously, what the fuck is the point of that? It feels like an audio book (the narrator is especially clumsy with Rorschach's dialogue). Except that you have to watch it for the panels so it somehow manages to not be that. Apparently they're selling the motion comic separately, I suppose for people too lazy to read?
I'll be taking Tales of the Black Freighter back to Zia for store credit soon.