Emmalea Claire

Jun 09, 2008 11:42

Been a while since I've actually been online.

I had a beautiful baby girl on June 2, 2008.  Her name is Emmalea Claire.  She was 6 lbs 14 oz, and 19.8 inches long.

I went into labor on Sunday evening around 7pm, but I didn't know it.  I had been feeling nauseous all afternoon, and didn't feel right.  I noticed contractions, but they didn't hurt and weren't frequent, so I assumed they were just the Braxton-Hicks contractions.  They got stronger, but still no pain.  I was getting more nauseous and dizzy.  Shilo got worried, so I called my doctor's office.  All I got was a recording, so I called the hospital to see if I should go...and they said I should come in to make sure everything was okay.

We got to the hospital around 9pm, and I got admitted.  Got hooked up to monitors.  I could see how strong and frequent my contractions were...and the baby's heartbeat was still strong.  I was dilated to 3cm, still no pain at all.  The contractions were 6-7 minutes apart.  My water wasn't broken yet, but the nurse said that she thought I was in labor.  She called my doctor and he said for me to stay on the monitors til 5am.  Doctor told me to walk around the hospital to see if I'd dilate some more.  That's when I started hurting.  My back hurt so bad so I went back to the observation room, and got hooked up to IV fluids and painkillers.  I dilated to 4cm, so I was definitely in labor.  Doctor decided to break my water at 7pm, and it was a weird feeling, all the warm water gushing out.  I also got some pitocin injected, to speed things along.  That started hurting more.  I got the epidural at around 9am, and the initial injection was really uncomfortable.  After that, things started feeling so much better.  My contractions felt more like tiny tickles.  My in-laws and my parents were in the room with Shilo and me, waiting til it was time.

Dr. B said that if I didn't dilate to at least 8-9 cm by 5pm, then I'd have to have a c-section.  I only dilated to 5cm by 3:45pm, so the nurse called the doctor...doctor scheduled the c-section at 4pm.  Everyone had 15 minutes to prep me for the surgery.  The anesthesiologist gave me an injection that made my whole body feel like it was floating.  It was a weird feeling, but a nice feeling.  Mom & Shilo were in the room with me when they did the surgery.

When Dr.B pulled the baby out, he said "Congratulations, you have a baby....BOY!"  Mom interpreted everything...and I was confused, but then she got a good look, it was a baby GIRL, and reassured me it was a girl, not a boy.  The doctor played a joke on everyone.  The nurses continued to believe him, though.  I was wheeled into the recovery room, while they cleaned Emma up and all our folks got to see her.  The nurses kept me comfortable, even though I was shivering so much from losing so much blood (or so Shilo said).  As they finished with me, the nurses asked me if I was ready to see my baby boy.  I was confused and told them it was a girl.

I stayed at the hospital til Thursday.  I would have to say everyone did a good job, and I absolutely loved the nurses.  They were awesome. :)

I'm glad I have a baby girl, especially a beautiful one.

My mom stayed with me the whole week, and went home Saturday.  Mom helped with the housework so I could rest and learn how to be a good mom to Emma.  My MIL came by every day to help out too.  I'm not allowed to drive for 2 weeks, since I'm still on painkillers for the surgery.  I'm due to have my staples removed today, so MIL will drive me to the doctor's office for that. :-)  She's been spoiling me, taking us out to eat or whatever, so we didn't do much housework and cooking the last few days. :)

Emma's been an easy baby so far.  Doesn't cry much, only if she's hungry or has a dirty diaper.  She hates baths.  I've been exclusively breastfeeding her.  I've pumped some milk so her daddy and grandparents can feed her.  She still prefers my breast, and makes it obvious. :) Shilo's been a good daddy...he's changed more diapers than I have so far!  He's also washed my breast pump and the bottles right away, after they've been used, so they're ready for their next use.  Shilo's folks have been coming over every day.  Shilo's dad just loves Emma (she's his first granddaughter) and I'm sure she'll have him wrapped around her little finger as she grows up. :-D

Emma looks a lot like me (has my unique nose!), but has Shilo's cheeks, eyes, and complexion. :-)

No pictures yet, but for now, you can read what my mom put up online (with some pictures) at http://www.chiggerridge.com/photos/emma/emma-6-2-08.html
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