Aug 04, 2004 01:59
Instructions: Write one statement to each of 10 people on your LJ friends list. Never tell which one is for who.
1.) "Shut you!"
2.) "I shave my toes with pink shaving cream. I also naired my butt and got these painful pimples on it."
3.) You can't have the shoes, you know why? I got them.
4.) <333, A huge house with a never ending party.
5.) "I like to spill salsa all over the kitcen floor"
6.) "Lets go see if we can find more blonde cars!"
7.) I'm going to steal your belt buckle
8.) "I'm going to run down the isle at your funeral, naked, in combat boots."
9.) "I feel handicapped"
10.) "I got kissed by a guy at the modest mouse concert"