OK, so I have been away for a while, so here is a warning. There are going to be a few posts. Why? Because there are a LOT of pictures and I want to split it up for people with slower connections so that they do not have to look at stuff they have no interest in. That being said, almost all the posts are BJD related. Sorry everyone else!
Anyway, last Wednesday night we had our first snowfall for the year. And it was not the kind that you wake up the next morning and there is a light dusting of snow on the ground. Nopes, actual huge flakes fell from the sky.
Unfortunately I happened to have Miranda out at the time and immediately got the bright idea that I HAD to get pictures of her first snow! So I grabbed her and ran outside and realised that my camera's batteries were dead, ran inside and shoved one in the charger for 15 minutes then ran out again. In my stupidity... ahem... haste, both times I ran out without putting on an extra jacket and in ballet pumps. Yeah, smart. What can I say, I LOVE snow and it makes me get all excited. I swear, sometimes I really am just a overgrown kid. :)
Updates on other stuff, personal stuff - err, nothing worth writing home about that is not BJD related (other than FOUR DAYS til Ian is here SQUEEEEE!), and Sims - I have all the pictures for my next update. I swear. BUT it takes me ta good few hours to put together a decent update and I have simply not had the time. I will update eventually, but not this coming weekend.
Anyway, enough talk!
Yes, that is in fact snow falling. And now on her hair and on the wall.
A BJD sized handfull of snow!
The snow that fell on me while taking pictures. This also illustrates why i am not entirely happy with Miranda's wig colour. See the difference between her hair and mine? Well, it does exist, but it is SMALL. She is supposed to be redder than me. And ahem, my hair is more mousey. My camera's flash just makes it seem more vibrant.