To give you an idea of how dull my life really is, when I actually accomplish housework I feel like I've conquered the world or something. XD
Over the last two days, I have:
1) Done the dishes (And by "done" I do not mean, "thrown away", because that's what I tend to do with pots and pans that are particularly difficult to clean)
2) Cleaned the kitchen. (Seriously, I mopped the floor *_* Which I haven't done
3) Vacuumed the living room, hallway and bedroom. (I don't vacuum the office. Mostly because you can't see the carpet in the office and vacuuming is impossible if you can't at least see the carpet.)
4) Did all the laundry and went grocery shopping! (Seriously, I loathe grocery shopping. First, you have to navigate a cart around a place that should, in all honesty, possess a traffic light and rules of the road as well as vehicles with child restraints. Second, you have to pay, which always makes my wallet weep. And third, then I have to haul all the damn things I bought up three flights of stairs and put them away myself as I've yet to create minions have children who will do it for me. And the child husband I do have only makes grocery shopping take five times as long, so I leave him at home.)
5) Then I cleaned and mopped the bathroom!
Seriously, this is more than I've done to this place since Feb, and I only did what I did in Feb because there was an apartment inspection.
And! I made cookies!
avalon13's idiot resistant cookies
1 box of cake mix, any kind
2 eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 cups chocolate chips or nuts
Preheat oven to 350. Mix all four ingredients in a bowl, put dough drops on cookie sheet. (And, unlike what I did the first time, leave enough space for the cookies to grow on the sheet so that you do not get mondo cookie.) Bake 8 to 10 minutes.
Makes about 4 dozen cookies.
I used
Duncan Hines Dark Chocolate Fudge cake mix and
Heath toffee bits (it took the whole bag. ^_^). They are AWESOME! Seriously, Avalons was right. This makes totally cracktasticly yummy cookies. *_* Better even, in my case, as I like chewy cookies.
In other news, I'm still reading Egypt book. And, according to J, when I summarized it for him, I butchered everything. But! It's more fun reading this than it was trying to read the stuff for that one ancient Greek class I took. In which I read a lot of 'primary sources' and went -_- Really? You're shitting me right? Today! The part of Alexander the Great will be played by a huge man who fights Persian tentacle monsters and untied the biggest knot known to man according to Plutarch! (Not really, but there was the same level of reality to what I was reading at the time) Which makes complete sense as it was widely believed that his father was Zeus because his mother dreamed her belly was hit with lightening bolts!
It's much easier when you can read and not have to worry about trying to figure out what the historical reality might really have been. Because Alex the Great? It's kind of like reading about the history of Superman, should he happened to have been a real person and not a complete fictional entity.
I always had an ongoing dialogue in my head in that class that would start with, "Today on Alexander the Great Conquers the World! The Persian campaign, can one man single-handedly kill every warrior man person in the middle east just by looking at them with a sword in his hand?" It was supposed to be a class on comparing and contrasting primary resources to obtain a better understanding of events. Which would have been perfectly fine if you weren't comparing ancient so-and-so's idea of Alex the great as Genghis Khan meets Superman to another ancient so-and-so's idea that Alex the great shot lightening bolts out of his ass because he was just. that. awesome.