Title: Bunny Love
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing: Shawn, Gus
Word Count: 180
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Summary: General Shawn n' Gus shenanigans.
Disclaimer: I don't own Psych. This work is for entertainment purposes only.
Originally written for a challenge over at
"It could be worse."
"No, Shawn, I disagree." Gus was dressed head to foot in a giant rabbit costume; only his face was clear. "It could not be worse or more humiliating than this."
"Agree to disagree."
"What I don't understand," said Gus, "is how I ended up in the bunny suit. You were the one who took the job as Billy the Bunny at Kids' Planet."
"And then I appointed myself general manager of the Billy the Bunny position," said Shawn. "Which means I get to delegate Billy the Bunny duties to my underlings."
"I am not an underling!" Gus crossed his fuzzy purple arms.
"Dude, you love bunnies."
"Real bunnies, Shawn. Adorable bunnies in a shop. Fuzzy bunnies in a petting zoo. Cute little bunnies stealing carrots from MacGregor's farm in kid's stories. Nowhere have I ever mentioned a desire to dress up as a bunny."
"You're my cute little bunny," said Shawn, petting his arm.
It was impressive, Shawn thought while he was running, how fast Gus could still move while wearing a glittery purple bunny suit.