Witchville Fics

Oct 30, 2010 02:25

These are my submissions for the Witchville Challenge at xoverland. Basically the fics had to revolve around a 'witch' character and a character of our choosing. I though that I'd combine it with a Five Times table from 5_times and kill two birds with one stone. I thought I'd do Willow and use the table on loss :D

5_times Prompt Set #1
Author: SkylarGrace
Fandom: BtVS (various)
Claim: Willow Rosenberg 1. Bruise (Supernatural)2. Nightmare (The Vampire Diaries)3. Hopeless (Harry Potter) 4. Lost (Dark Angel)5. Alone (Smallville)Progress: 5/5

Five Times Willow Felt A Loss

Willow glared at the pair of blue eyes angrily glaring back.

"It's not all up to you!"

"And it's definitely not up to you!"

"We have to take a stand Sam. If we don't, we may as well all lay down and give up. Is that what you want?"

"I;m not saying that. I'm just saying we should be careful and not run headlong into danger."

Dean stepped between them, eyes encouraging his brother to listen. "I think we should all just take a minute out before this gets out of hand."

Willow shook her head. "You know what, we're old hats at saving the world. We don't need you."

"Fine!" Sam yelled.

He began walking quickly to the black Impala and slammed the door hard behind him. Dean gave one apologetic look back at Buffy and quickly raced as the Impala stirred to life. The headlights quickly faded as Sam raced off leaving only a trail of dust and Willow immediately felt a pain of regret. She'd unintentionally forced Dean out of Buffy's life by arguing with Sam and if they were going to win the battle, they really were gonna need every hand - even if they didn't get along.


She saw his body laying on the ground and immediately began running. Her best friend, the one who had been there all her life, through thick and thin, was lying motionless and it was by her own hand. She hadn't seen him on her right when the witch had fired that fireball at her. As usual, he'd been there to save her skin and now...

Tears fell down her face as she tried to shake him. The warmth on her hand drew her eyes downward and she saw the burnt wound on his side. Her hand immediately moved over it and she tried to heal him but she could feel that the life was gone and that it was impossible. Her head fell forward over him and she sobbed, hard sobs wracking her body as in the distance the witch was taken out.

She looked up to see Damon standing over Bonnie's body with a grieved look on his face. He looked down at the man lying in her arms and his shoulders sagged. It seemed that the loss for the both of them had been costly.


Harry fell to his knees in front of her and Willow's breath caught in her throat. One of the greatest wizards had fallen. And if he could fall, they all could. As Hermione ran forward, her screaming sounding oddly mute in Willow's ears, Willow turned toward the wand that was slowly lowering. Ron tilted his head up in defiance and Willow started toward him. A battle for a girl had never seemed more ridiculous and she could see that he knew Hermione would never be his, even with Harry dead. He locked eyes with her before turning and walking away, ignoring Hermione's cries.


She looked around in confusion and squinted ahead. Everything looked the same and yet completely different. She looked down at the stone in her hand and placed it in her pocket. She'd known that it was powerful and she'd deliberately ignored Buffy's concern over her meddling with it, knowing that something that powerful could be the key to ridding the world of some of the most powerful demons.

A noise broke her concentration and she walked down toward an alley. A dark haired woman was fighting with incredible speed and agility as she took down a group of men with weapons. Willow looked down as something brushed against her feet and as she picked up the newspaper, her eye was drawn to the date. The only possibility was that she'd somehow transported herself into the future and that this was a Slayer.

Before she had time to realise the fight was over, the woman had reached her and pushed her back into the wall. Willow instinctively pushed her into the opposing wall with her abilities and the woman looked up in surprise.

"Are you Psy-op's?"

Willow frowned. "What?"

The woman's response was cut off as the world began blurring and the alley was ripped away only to be replaced with a lounge room. Willow felt the ground and her legs buckled under her. Buffy rushed to her aid.

"What happened? Where were you?"

Willow felt her heart sink as she realised what she'd seen. "I was in the future. And we'd lost."


She felt like she couldn't breathe. It was as if all the air in the world had suddenly disappeared and she'd been left in the dark about it. A strong arm wrapped itself around her shoulders and helped her further up the bank. She saw a tall good looking man rush back down to the waters edge and pull the blonde woman from it. It tried CPR for several minutes before looking up in defeat.

"I'm sorry."

Willow didn't move. She looked over at her friend's body and felt the weight of the world on her shoulders. She'd never felt this alone before. When Tara had died, she'd grieved. And taken revenge. But with Buffy's death, there was now no one left alive. They'd all slowly been picked off one by one by the demon and now she was all alone.

"Is there anything I can-"

Sirens sounded in the distance and he gave her hand a sypathetic squeeze before disappearing in a blur. As the siren's approached Willow realised that now she was faced with a decision. She could let her grief consume her and take revenge - that path had only led to pain last time - or she could pick herself up and move on. As the sobs began and tears blurred her vision, she realised that the Sirens had now stopped and that footprints were approaching. She knew which one she'd choose.

Willow slowly stood and gave one last goodbye to her friend before turning around.

the vampire diaries, supernatural, harry potter, team dawn, smallville, dark angel, challenge, buffy the vampire slayer

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