Wereville fics

Oct 21, 2010 19:06

These are my submissions for the Wereville Challenge at xoverland. Basically the fics had to revolve around a 'were' character and a character of our choosing. I though that I'd combine it with a Five Times table from 5_times and kill two birds with one stone. I thought I'd do Oz and his journey back to Sunnydale after he learnt how to control himself. This is the first time I've ever written for The Vampire Diaries, Charmed or Twilight so it might be somewhat OOC but take a look and let me know what you think. I can only improve :D

5_times Prompt Set #3
Author: SkylarGrace
Fandom: BtVS (various)
Claim: Daniel 'Oz' Osbourne1. Ghost (Supernatural)2. Vampire (The Vampire Diaries)3. Demon (Harry Potter) 4. Witch (Charmed)5. Werewolf (Twilight)Progress: 5/5

Five Times Oz Stopped Before Sunnydale

Oz turned his head toward the sound of the gunshot and began running. He didn't know who was shooting, or at what, but if he could help someone, he would. He slowed as an old farmhouse came into view. It looked cared for and there was an old black car parked in the driveway but something was definitely off about the house. There was a small beam of light that disappeared almost immediately from a room in the back and Oz followed it, his eyes scanning for any danger.

As he opened the door to the only closed off room, Oz saw two men in a heap on the floor and the smell of copper permeated his nose. Looking carefully, he could see a small pool of blood from the younger of the two and his nose told him that the teenager was deceased. He could hear the heartbeat of the taller man, albeit somewhat slow, and as he moved into the room, the door blew shut and he heard it lock into place.

He quickly turned about in the room, looking for something to place the odd feeling he had but the room was empty of furniture and there was nowhere for anybody else to hide. Before he could make any further movement toward the bodies on the floor, the temperature in the room dropped significantly and Oz shivered. The wolf within him was desperately trying to force him to retreat but he held his composure and knelt down to try and stir the man who was still alive.

An unseen force shoved him hard into the wall behind him and a growl escaped his lips. He could feel the hair beginning to grow on his extremities and he focused on keeping the wolf inside - otherwise there might not be any survivors. As a form materialised in front of him, his eyes opened wide and he looked at the angry spirit in front of him. His air supply started to diminish as a grip was focused on his throat and as Oz struggled, a loud gunshot blast sounded and blew the doorknob across the room.

A man entered the room and spoke a few words in Latin. His blue eyes watched as Oz began to stand on wobbly legs before rushing to the man on the floor.


The man groaned and Oz helped the man carry him outside to the black car. As Dean tended to his bruised ribs, the taller man leaned against the car.

"So, what were you doing there?"

Oz shrugged. "Heard the guns, came to help. I take it you're Hunters?"

Dean looked up sharply from the car and Sam frowned slightly. Oz merely shrugged again.

"Putting your guns to good use. I know a Slayer who'd be happy to hear that not all Hunters are killing for profit."

Oz gave a small smile to the two confused men before heading off back into the forest.


VampireOz walked slowly into the small town and glanced around at the different buildings around him. He could sense that the town had a long history with the supernatural but, like Sunnydale, it had been swept under the rug and the general public had turned a blind eye. Several people passed by him, the odd one taking a second glance but nothing more, so when the hairs on the back of his neck stood up, he instinctively turned around to find out what it was. It took a few moments to spot anything unusual about the citizens but once he noticed the curious eyes of a trio of onlookers, he offered a small, non-threatening smile before continuing on his way.

His hands were shoved deep into his pockets and his head was down when a pair of hands grabbed him by the front of the shirt and pulled him into a blind spot between two buildings. Oz looked up in surprise and was met with a pair of icy blue eyes. A quick sniff told him that his assailant was a vampire and a quick glance provided confirmation of the other two onlookers, both of whom were glancing uncertainly at him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm just passing through - I don't want any trouble."

"We've had enough trouble from your kind," the vampire growled, shaking him slightly. Oz pulled his hands out of his pockets in an attempt to show he wasn't going to attack when the strong hands gripping his shirt moved to his neck and began squeezing.


Damon loosened his grip slightly as the woman's voice washed over him and when she placed a hand on his arm, he dropped his arms altogether and allowed her some access, keeping himself close enough to intervene should Oz attack.

Oz rubbed a hand over his neck. "I'm just on my way to Sunnydale. I won't be here long."

The other vampire stepped forward. "You're not the first werewolf to come here-"

"Why Sunnydale?" the woman asked, curiosity burning.

"It's the place I protect. I was dangerous for a while so I left until I could control it. Now I'm going home."

Damon scoffed. "And you can control it now?"

"I'll never have it completely under control but I'm not dangerous."

"And you actually protect a town?"

"With others. Including the Slayer."

He received two surprised looks and one baffled but as the vampires led the woman away, Oz straightened up his shirt and walked back out into the street. It had been a long time since he had been back and he was longing for home.


DemonOz growled and moved backward as the demon moved toward him again. He'd been caught off guard and after being attacked by whatever the thing was in front of him, he'd transformed and let the wolf take over. The cold feeling still had not left him and the despair was threatening to consume him as he tried to fight something that he hadn't seen before. His back leg was injured and he moved slower than he would've liked to as the demon pressed forward. He snarled another warning but a beam of light shot out at the demon from somewhere behind him and Oz turned his head as the demon disappeared in it. Turning slowly around, he searched for the cause of the demon's demise and saw a young man and woman step out from the treeline. As the man put a wand back into the folds of his robe, the woman stepped forward carefully with her hands up.

"It's okay, we won't hurt you. We just wanna help!"

Feeling exhausted, Oz sat down on the ground and felt his front paws slip forward on the wet leaves. The man and woman approached and Oz saw the kindness in her eyes as she reached toward him before darkness overtook and he slumped forward.

When he awoke, Oz was wearing a hoodie and jeans and laying on a soft bed. The woman appeared almost instantly and offered him a warm smile.

"You're okay. You just had a bit of a run in with some Dementors but we got rid of them. I don't know why you were attacked though."

"They've been going rogue Hermione, no one is safe."

Oz looked across at the man who had saved him but the man offered nothing more than a half smile before leaving the room.

"Don't mind him," she said as she pointed behind herself. "Do you mind if I check the bandage?"

Oz noticed that the pain in his leg had lessened and nodded as she pulled up the jeans and carefully unwrapped the white cloth. The wound was mostly healed and she rewrapped it in fresh bandages before standing up and pointing out of the room.

"There's food in the kitchen if you'd like. It's still hot and will help you regain some of your strength."

Oz nodded and followed her slowly down a long corridor before entering a homely room at the end. The smell of hot food was mouth watering and she placed a small bowl in front of him with a spoon before sitting opposite.

"Where were you headed?"

Oz gave her a fond smile as he thought about the redhead who captured his dreams almost every night.



WitchOz watched the woman behind the bar as she looked at the carious people on the other side all shouting out orders at her. In frustration and panic, she raised her hands and the whole room froze. Oz looked behind himself and noticed people dancing, drinking, laughing and walking all on pause. He turned back to the woman and rose his eyebrows in surprise.

When he'd walked into the club with the neon 'P3' sign above it, there had been a blonde woman behind the bar but she'd left not long after when she'd received a phone call. The owner had had to step in and fill in for her. To her credit, she looked like she belonged there and had managed quite efficiently for a while but the previous set had just ended and most of the dancers on the floor had flocked to the bar. Apparently she'd had enough.

When she noticed him sitting there, she frowned in surprise.


He shrugged.

"Are you a demon?"


She nodded and took a deep breath as she scanned the room. Oz finished his drink and looked across at her.

"What brings you here?"

Oz gave a disappointed laugh. "I needed to get myself under control. Left someone behind but I'm heading back again."

"Your girlfriend?"

"She was."

The woman nodded, her long brown hair moving around her shoulders before she ran her fingers through it. "Did you love her?"

Oz looked down into his empty glass and tried to ignore the hole in his chest. He'd managed to control his emotions, allowing himself to shift whenever he wanted to. Some days were harder than others and sometimes it bordered on pain as he focused on not shifting. But the pain from losing Willow was still fresh and he could only hope that she would forgive him.

"I still do. Always will."

She gave him a smile as though she understood that kind of love and he pushed his glass back along the counter before placing money on it.

"You'd better undo this before someone walks in here."

He offered her a small smile before turning and walking out the door, the sounds of the club resuming behind him.


WerewolfThere was a low growl behind him and Oz froze. He knew that noise, he knew that warning. He given it before. Even though instinct had warned against it, Oz had decided to walk through the woods to the beach and reminisce about the times he'd taken Willow to the beach. Big mistake.

When the wolves came into view, he realised that they weren't ordinary wolves. Not that he'd thought that but any hope had been extinguished now. The pack surrounded him, the leader's nose sniffing the air again, no doubt scenting the wolf on him. He considered turning but he knew he couldn't fight and win. Escape, maybe, but very doubtful.

He lowered his head in submission as he addressed the leader. "I'm only passing through."

It only elicited more growls from around him and Oz refrained from running. Everything in him said 'run' but he knew it was the worst thing he could do now. He tried to focus on not instinctively turning and was surprised when a young man walked up from behind the pack and stepped before him. He held out a hand and Oz glanced at it curiously before sticking out his own and shaking it.

This did not sit well with the others in the pack and even though he'd never been a part of one, he knew that the man before him had stepped out of line and he watched as the other man appeared to ignore the rest of his pack.

"Didn't you know you shouldn't have come here?"

"This is all relatively new to me."

"But you can choose to transform?"

Oz nodded reluctantly. "Took a lot of practice."

"Are you far from home?"

"On my way home now. I've left someone there and I'm ready to go back to her."

The young man nodded and Oz noticed that the werewolves began turning their heels and walking away, apparently disinterested in him now.

"I just saved your life. You'd better head off before they change their minds otherwise you might not get to see your girl."

Oz turned to walk back the way he had come when the young man called out to him.

"Trust your instincts. They would have told you not to come here. You should have listened. And changing isn't all about control; it's about emotion too."

Oz nodded over his shoulder and walked away. He'd almost gone out of view when he thought he heard 'trust your instincts' one more time. He couldn't be sure, however, and all he could think about was Willow. He was almost home.

the vampire diaries, supernatural, harry potter, team dawn, twilight, challenge, charmed, buffy the vampire slayer

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