Sep 02, 2009 13:46
Pirate Boy is auditioning for a part in Music Man this afternoon, after school. Fingers crossed and wish him luck. We watched the video of Pippin last night because they will be auditioning for that, soon. I think he's going to try for Charlemagne in that one.
My weight has been stable for over a year now. That's the first time in my life this has been true; I'm alwasy either going up or going down. I've kept to about a 5lb range, nice and steady. Go Westhroid! Now if I could just get the weight to dip....
K and I got into a minor tiff over the phone while I was at work, and I hung up on him. My hands are still shaking. I hate that.
For whatever reason, our unemployment benefits are going to be cut down to $100 a month. Lovely.
pirate boy,