It's been months since I posted here. I'm not much better about fb but at least there are pics there. A lot has happened since December. Our son, Sebastian, was born. Both of my best friends and their partners have been to visit. We moved into our new house. We went to Philly/PA for spring break.
Marc has finals in the next two weeks and the week after, I go back to school. I'm both excited (it's been over a year out!) and a bit worried. I don't want to be away from the baby so's hard enough being away from Chaz.
Bastian was almost 9lbs at birth but is now a wee one in the 35th%. It's odd having such a tiny baby after Chaz the Bruiser. Bastian is blessed by two older brothers who think he's the bee's knees. His little face lights up each time either of them pay him the slightest bit of attention...sometimes all they have to do is enter the room.
A few pics from his first day: