(no subject)

Sep 07, 2010 14:49

Well, I've been in Scotland for 12 days now, and today was the first day it rained!  My luck had to run out sometime I suppose.

So I thought it'd be a good day to explore the busses that run near my new digs.  I had taken the 61 from the city center both times I ventured up to the road I'll be living off of, so I started with what I knew.  I bought a day pass and hopped on, heading to Maryhill Rd.  This time I sat up top and decided to stay on a bit farther.  I noted the stops just before and after what my usual one will be (just in case I miss it) and decided to stick around and check out the new Tesco that's supposed to be opening in a few weeks.  Then caught the 61 back and rode through the center, back to Barras Market.  I doubt I'll be traveling much past there on a regular basis, so time to turn back around again.  The 40 came before the 61, so I gave that line a ride back up, this time getting off at my soon-to-be-home stop, then back into town I went, on the 41 again.  Having been up and back twice, on two different lines, I felt a lot better about knowing my landmarks and being able to get home.

I then grabbed some grub, and picked up my first Irn Bru!  I wasn't sure exactly what to expect, but was warned it could be an acquired taste.  I took a sniff before my first gulp, and it seemed a bit... cough syrupy?  I can now report that it isn't bad, but it is an odd taste.  It's a bit orange tasting, but there's another flavor in there that I can't place.  A bit like Red Bull maybe?  Don't think I'm going to start guzzling the stuff by the gallon, but I had to give it a try!

Speaking of Glasweigian things, there's a new Belle & Sebastian song to download if you're quick-ish: http://bit.ly/aaTHgx

And speaking of music, I may have to do that month of music meme people are doing.  It looks fun!  But I worry I might be a few days without internet once I move into the new flat.  I need a credit card no matter what.  That will take at least a few days, once I get my lease and can prove to the bank I am a real person and all.  Any recommendations for internet providers?  I don't have, nor really need or want, a TV, or a land line, just internet.  I got a pay-as-you-go O2 internet dongle-thingie when I got my phone (it was a promo), which might be fine short-term (although I still need a credit card #).  Oh the joys of moving...

Huh. It just started chucking down rain 5 mn ago, now it looks like it's clearing....  I'm waiting for my sweatshirt to dry before I go back out again either way!
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