*gigglesnort* I'm such a geek. I'm watching Harry Potter and when Voldemort tells Wormtail to, "Do it, now" the first thing I think of is Morning Musume's song. XD
You know what's a bad idea? Even thinking about playing Silent Hill at 1 AM. XDD I meant to install it but I knew if I did I'd want to play and the thought alone freaked me out. XD I'm such a wimp. ^^;
*sigh* I really don't have anything interesting to post about, sorry. ^^;;; Instead, have a meme. >.<
1. Where did your LJ handle come from?
Erm... well... ^^; When I was maybe 12, I started writing this fantasy story. Basically, I needed some kind of fantasy-esque name for one of the characters and came up with Skyefall..... and it stuck... and now I use it all the time. XD I don't even know how I came up with it, it just popped into my head.
2. How do you style your hair?
It's just above mid-back + bangs. I straighten it unless I have no time whatsoever. And it's always down, because my face is too round to have my hair back. ^^; I also used to dye it black for... several years, but now it's growing out. :P Fun fact: if I straighten it while it's not completely dry, it gets straight but it's also kind of poofy. So I have dubbed it my Oguri hair, because it kind of looks like Eritan's wig. XDD
3. What is making you happy right now?
Fresh blueberry muffins. <333 And the fact that I should be getting the call saying my Graph is in today. ^^ And hopefully my March Kageki which is taking ages (Rise aisatsu!!). T_T
4. What are you currently reading?
I'm catching up on the Tamora Pierce books that I never read (everything after the Immortals XD), so right now I'm reading Trickster's Choice.
5. Do you need music to study/write?
When I say that I need music, I'm not even kidding. I've always got it playing, so it's gotten to the point where I find it difficult to study or write without it. It's not really something that distracts me, unless I've got a new album or something playing, so I can push it into the background when I need to. I think it helps when they let me listen to music during tests too; it seems to calm me down a bit.
6. What is the last song on your play list?
Take Me or Leave Me // Rent (Korean Cast) Followed immediately by My Name Is // Eminem. XDDD Ah, shuffle. <3 See, I'm not kidding when I say my music taste is screwed up. ^^; ...followed by Egao YES Nude // Morning Musume. XDDD
7. What was your first car?
Don't have one. :P
8. Do you have a crush at the moment?
Actually... not really. Well, maybe a bit... but no, not really...
9. What is your favorite movie (that doesn't involve your idol)?
Gone With the Wind. The 1925 Phantom of the Opera. Love Actually. (what? It's good. :P) That's hard to choose though... because I'm so easily amused, it doesn't take much to like one. ^^;
10. What was the last thing you ate today?
The above-mentioned blueberry muffins.
11. What is your favorite color?
12. What websites do you visit daily?
LJ, Email, Osa's HP, Zuka HP, Youtube, Nico...
13. What's your favorite food(s)?
Lobster and tiramisu. <333 Barring some high-class restaurant at which to get these... oh hell, I don't know. >.<
14. Which languages do you wish you spoke?
Japanese, first and foremost. Then Korean, Mandarin (it's less scary than Cantonese XD), German, and every other language I possibly can. XD
15. What is your biggest pet peeve?
That's actually hard to think of. o_0 Erm, people who forget about spellcheck/grammercheck/punctuation/etc etc. I'm not saying I'm a saint, but seriously people... @_@ Also, those types of people who think they know everything about everything. >.<
16. Do you have birthmark?
Not really. I do, however, have freckles in the shape of the constellation Cassiopeia (minus one star) on my left cheek. :3
17. Who was your childhood idol?
I'm... pretty sure I didn't have one.
18. Where would you like your next holiday to be?
Japan. Now kthxbai. Would also like to go to Germany. And I was going to be going to Ireland this summer with my dad but, surprise surprise, that got cancelled. Oh well, I wasn't really getting my hopes up anyway, considering how many times that has happened. ¬_¬
19. What do you do to fall asleep?
Read (except, while it may make me tired, it doesn't make me fall asleep ^^;) or start daydreaming about stuff. I also have trouble sleeping if I don't have music playing.
20. Tell me something you love about the person who tagged you.
(:P Not tagged but oh well) You're crazy and one of the coolest people I've met. <3 And I love that you're part of the reason I started writing again, so thank you. <3