Jun 05, 2007 11:01
I don't get people who go nutty just because something is from a specific culture, regardless of the merits or demerits of the thing in question. I used to see a lot of Anglophiles going all squee! over anything English, but these days it seems to be more related to Celtic or Japanese cultures. I definitely understand having a big interest in a culture; but it's asinine when people don't pause to think about whether the particular manifestation of that culture is truly praiseworthy before having a fit over how awesome it is.
One girl I used to know goes crazy over everything Japanese, ignoring that women are not valued nearly as much as men in Japanese society and that the consensus is that non-Japanese people suck. But of course, everything Japanese is SO wonderful. Um... NO. Ever read about the rape of Nanking? Yes, there are lovely things that have come from Japanese culture, but being Japanese isn't what makes those things lovely.
She's not the only person I've seen manifest this obsessive behavior, nor is it just about Japan. Not everything from ANY culture is wonderful. Let's use discernment, not blanket approval.
I'm not responding to a particular person or post; this is merely a subject that came up in recent conversation.