The good news is I don't have Strep Throat (again)

Apr 11, 2012 13:50

The bad news is that the head/throat cold thingie I've been battling is viral, and according to the doctor 'could linger for months.' *sigh* I took off from work yesterday to see the doctor (also, didn't want to go into the office if I was contagious), and came home with some steroids and a prescription strength cough suppressant. They seem to be helping (although my regularly scheduled 'I'm a girl' reminder isn't making things any easier on me), and I just want to go home eat my frozen raspberry and chocolate chunk Greek yogurt (soothes the throat AND the out-of-whack emotions - double win!) for the rest of the day.

Alas, I cannot.

Because I am not contagious, I will be attending the girl scout meeting scheduled for tonight (it will get done RIGHT before the start of playoffs, thankfully, so I will be home in time for that). This is a good thing, as this week's meeting is a makeup meeting for LAST week's meeting, which was canceled. (On account of my having been the only leader available, and you can't hold a meeting with just one leader.)

Also, progress has been made on the computer fixing front! Spoke with the tech guys who have my computer, and the part should be arriving tomorrow (possibly Friday, but I'm crossing my fingers for earlier). So there is a good chance I will have it back by Saturday. Which...won't make a lick of difference, because Saturday I am taking my niece to NYC to see Wicked as promised. (In typical 14-yo fashion, last week she called to see if there was any chance that we would be back in time for her to go to her friend's birthday party that night... Teenage priorities. Gotta love 'em ;-P)

Still, with any luck, I can have the computer back by Sunday, which (if I can pull myself away from ME3 MP for any length of time) might mean that I could get a decent amount of writing in! (I've been writing on my tablet, but it's just not as comfortable as writing on my laptop. Also, thanks to those sales that Amazon has had lately, I know have DA:O, DA2, ME1, and ME2 (given to me free by BioWare way back) for the PC. This means: MODDING AND FRAPS AWAY!

Again, if I can bother to put down ME3 MP long enough. Also, there is a hockey game on Sunday. And I REALLY do need to weed my garden. Oh, and having my laptop working again PROBABLY should mean that I should get on building that new website for my mother. *sigh* It's a little sad for me that I use to LOVE building websites, and now...not so much. But, she doesn't really have anyone else, and her website NEEDS an overhaul. So, I should get that done. *grumble grumble*

Just...maybe later...

hockey, games, theatre, why the hell don't i have a geekery tag?, writing, girl scouts, the plague, what did my sil talk me into?!, computers

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