Osa's revenge...?

Jan 31, 2008 00:53

Title: Lightly; sweetly
Chapter: 2
Rating: PG...
Pairing: Osa & Asa
Summary: Vacation, Osa and Asa. Need I say more?
Notes: Fluffy, majorly. Reading Takarazuka fanfiction makes me get this way :P
DISCLAIMER: Real person slash. Don't read if you don't like. And please don't sue me, maim me, kill me, etc - no disrespect is intended with this work.

Asako loved water - she loved when it rained, loved taking showers, and especially loved the beach. It was one of the chief reasons why she had picked this particular hotel for their vacation, as it had prime beach front access.

The secluded nature of the beach picked at a memory in her mind. “Masa-chan,” she called out, swimming the short length that separated her from the other woman. “Do you remember that one time we all went to the beach?”

Osa chuckled, not even needing clarification as to who or what Asako meant by ‘we’ and ‘that one time.’ “Of course I do. The whole troupe had a sunburn for almost a week because you didn’t want to get out of the water!”

Asako winced at the memory. “Rehearsals were torture!”

“Yeah, they were,” Osa agreed. She tossed her head a little to get the wet hair out of her face. “But even so, it was fun being all together like that.”

Asako grinned. “Yup. Plus, that was the first time I saw Masa-chan in a bathing suit.”

Osa splashed at her. “And you were calling *me* the ecchi.”

“I'm just stating the facts,” Asako said in a sing-song voice, grinning as Osa merely shook her head. It seemed so long ago, those years when they had first started to become friends. She remembered when they had first met, feeling that *something* that had always pulled her to Osa. ‘Well, not just me,’ Asako amended, recalling the ridiculous amount of girls - not just in Hanagumi, but the entire company - that would literally swoon when Osa passed them in the halls. And that wasn’t even counting her fan club…

Not that Asako was any better. She grinned sheepishly, having experienced countless missed cues, forgotten steps, repeated lines because she had been too distracted watching Osa. How her face expressed every emotion perfectly, how her body moved and how every gesture, from the curl of each finger to the execution of a complicated lift, was performed with the utmost professionalism. Asako had watched that face mature over the years and witnessed that talent become even more refined when Osa had become top star. It had been such an amazing experience to not just learn from and perform with the great Haruno Sumire, but also be friends with the caring and ever kind woman that was her Masa-chan.

What Asako had said had been truth: she did miss Osa. Since her move to Tsukigumi, they hadn’t been able to see each other as often, even though they had gotten together as much as they could. And now with Osa’s retirement … who knew what would happen.

A cold ache touched Asako’s heart with that thought. She looked over at Osa, floating on her back a couple feet away. 'What will Osa do after this? Will she leave? When will be the next time we'll see each other again?'

Struck by such a fierce emotion, she blurted out, “I’m glad you’re here.”

Osa turned her head and smiled fondly. “So am I,” she answered simply.

“Really?” Asako asked, that sudden irrational fear disappearing in the face of that smile. Osa nodded, her face sparkling from the reflection of the waves and the sincerity in her eyes.

Asako grinned, fear gone and replaced by a mischievous element. “Even now?” she asked, treading closer to Osa.

Osa eyed her warily. “What do you mean, 'even now'?”

Complete innocence morphed Asako’s face before she shoved Osa into the water, dunking her entire body underwater. Asako started to laugh, but then noticed that Osa wasn’t surfacing. Worried, she called out, “Masa-chan?”

There was no answer. Asako peered frantically into the water, afraid that she might have hurt Osa and was preparing to dive when suddenly, she felt something grab her feet and pull her under.

Osa laughed as she surfaced, watching Asako flail. “Gotcha!” she chortled as she started swimming away, hearing Asako’s sputtered threats chasing right after her.

* * *

Asako chuckled as they entered the hotel, the chill of the air conditioning a sudden making her glad that she had opted to put on her dress shirt, though she was carrying the rest of her clothes and walking barefoot through the lobby. Osa had been more prepared, her tall form wrapped in a bright sarong.

“What are you laughing at?” Osa asked when Asako giggled again as they entered the elevators.

“I can hear your stomach growling from all the way over here!” Asako teased.

“Well if someone hadn’t been *late* …”

“It wasn’t my fault! Besides, you were at the beach. You could have eaten the crabs or something.”


They were still laughing as they entered their respective rooms, next door to each other of course. Asako hadn’t told Osa, however, that they were actually adjoining rooms. ‘I wonder how long it’ll take before she notices,’ Asako mused with a grin.

The staff had had placed her bags by her bed but instead of going straight to unpacking, she detoured to the glass doors leading to the balcony. She pressed a hand to the glass, in slight awe of the perfect scene of the sun setting below the ocean. It was an amazing sight to behold and Asako lost herself for a few minutes, just taking in the view.

A knock brought Asako out of her thoughts. “Come in,” she called out, turning just as the adjoining side door opened. She grinned. “So you finally figured out that we have …”

The words faltered in her throat as Osa stepped through the portal clad in only a towel. Her hair was still damp from her shower and small droplets were falling unto her bare shoulders. (It was an amazing sight to behold and Asako lost herself for a few minutes, just taking in the view.) ‘Sorry, Mr. Sun, but you’ve got nothing on Masa-chan,’ Asako thought somewhere in the non-frozen part of her mind.

She suddenly realized that Osa was speaking to her. “Huh? I’m sorry, what’d you say?”

“I said,” Osa said, in a tone that held a note of amusement, “Where did you want to eat tonight?”

Asako raised an eyebrow. ‘We could stay in …’


Asako nearly smacked herself, realizing that she had actually spoken outloud. “In the hotel, I mean,” she added hastily. “We could stay in the hotel. Everyone was saying that the food here is really good.”

“Who’s ‘everyone’?” Osa asked, shifting her towel a bit.

“You know...” Asako repeated, distracted by Osa’s movements. She shook her head to jump-start her thinking process. “Everyone on the internet.”

“Oh, that everyone.”

‘Was that a smirk?’ Asako wondered suspiciously. “So you’re okay with that?” she said aloud.

“Mmhmm.” Osa started to gesture towards the bathroom. “Well, hurry up and take a shower! I don’t want to go eat with someone who smells like a fish.”

“What?” Asako put her hands on her hips in an indignant stance. “Just for that, I should just go like this,” she said, gestured towards her bikini with dress shirt ensemble.

Osa rolled her eyes. “Sure. If you go like that, then I’ll go like *this*.”

Asako paused, allowing herself the luxury of dragging her eyes up and down Osa’s body. “Well,” she drawled, a wide grin forming, “Since you suggested it…”

Osa’s eyes widened in alarm. “Hey, wait a second!” Asako began to head for the door, but Osa grabbed her hand in an effort to stop her. “Asako!”

Asako cheerfully ignored her and kept walking towards the door. “But I thought you were hungry!” Unexpectedly, the tugging turned into a pull that threw Asako off-balance and stumbling awkwardly back into Osa. Warmth surrounded her as Osa held fast to her.

“I was just kidding,” Osa said exasperatedly, her breath tickling Asako’s ear and neck. Asako swore her heart skipped a beat.

“Well, Masa-chan shouldn’t say things she doesn’t mean,” Asako somehow responded, falling back on teasing like she always did.

She felt Osa shift behind her, and a light touch on her chin lifted her eyes to meet Osa’s suddenly serious gaze. “I always mean what I say to you,” she said, her voice a murmur that reached into Asako’s very soul. She was suddenly very aware of how much they were touching, where they were touching - the soft texture of Osa’s towel against the back of her bare legs, Osa’s arms, Osa's face, eyes, lips, so close …

Asako shifted away. “I need to shower,” she said a bit dazedly, still staring captivated into Osa’s eyes as she moved with halting steps towards the bathroom.

“You better hurry,” Osa called out when Asako had somehow made it to the bathroom. “You know it’s bad manners to leave a lady waiting!” Asako just laughed, breathless, closing the door with fingers still tingling from Osa’s warmth.

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