Yay for fluffy fanfiction

Jan 29, 2008 15:06

Title: Lightly; sweetly ( Read more... )

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kugelfischli January 30 2008, 19:25:25 UTC
chapter one means we do get more, right?
i liked it (really, i was just a few minutes before in a pretty bad mood and now.. i feel like giggling would be the best thing to do, thank you so much)
i can'T say it enough, we need an extra osa/asa community! *laughs*


windstar127 January 30 2008, 20:27:46 UTC
i have to agree with that one. who wants to start one?


kugelfischli January 30 2008, 20:29:50 UTC
how does it work..? i never started one, i always just joined *laughs*


just_keep_on January 30 2008, 20:49:20 UTC
Don't you just ... make one? I think it's the whole "getting people to join" and "keeping it alive" that's the hard part, right?


kugelfischli January 30 2008, 20:57:30 UTC
i'll deal with first problem first..
let people join freely or take the task of being a moderator?


just_keep_on January 31 2008, 08:55:09 UTC
You mean either let it be free to join or be selective in who joins?


kugelfischli January 31 2008, 22:17:23 UTC
well, i did it, i made one
how do i link it, tough?


just_keep_on January 31 2008, 23:02:49 UTC
Yay!!! Coolies!!

I don't know what you mean by linking, 'cause you just did... *confused*


just_keep_on January 30 2008, 20:51:17 UTC
There'll be more parts, for sure. (Yours too, right?!??) Reading everyone's fanfiction gets me in such a giggly mood and so I'm literally in fangirl mode when writing this ^_^


kugelfischli January 30 2008, 20:56:05 UTC
of course there are more of mine, too. (i have 15 chapters written and that's the end then)

i am so.. addicted to fanfiction right now! it's incredible i can't get enough.


just_keep_on January 30 2008, 21:20:45 UTC
Only 4 more chapters left??? No~~~

I just started getting really into Takarazuka this month and I literally have to force myself to pry myself away from the computer and do any sort of work. Fanfiction + Takarazuka = ADDICTION^inf


kugelfischli January 30 2008, 21:29:56 UTC
eh?! i thought i had only posted till chapt. 9 so far? what did i miss? *laughs*

well, it's good four years for me and did not get any better, what does this tell you? ^_~


just_keep_on January 30 2008, 22:06:21 UTC
*goes back and checks*

I ... obviously do not know how to count. ^_^;;

I need a nap.


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