Semmester of Dark Commedy amongst genes, dreams, and creatures.

Jan 19, 2006 18:42

My roomate declared this the dark commedy semmester. I don't blame him. relationships are being pulled apart left and right. its brutal. And then, of course, a baby puppy of our new roomate's (Josh- he is cool, more on that later) friend falls and breaks his neck last night... and drives its owners into a drug binge. I mean, seriously. black as night. Plus I'm reading a somewhat dark collection of short stories in class now. But of course (another of course) , everything has to be going great for me... new phone soon, less $ problems, great class setup, last semmester, growing close to God, writing a lot of fiction, ect.

We went. Monday was a road trip to a destinationless south. Triina, Ray, Josh, Nick. We ended up in indianna. we have sweet pics that I want triina to post. Best of all was the sunset and stars and barren darkness of the dunes on the shore of lake michigan. It reminded me of a certain other dune trip... with a Brendon, a Joe, an Emily.

Geneology: Richard Bradford of England begot Richard the second, who moved to Virginia. Richard II begot Richard III. Philemon, son of Richard III begot Thomas. Thomas begot Thomas the second, called drunken Thomas bradford... begot begot begot begot Jessie, Billy, Wade, Nick. thats the short version of my real family history. Yeah, so I know my direct line of anscestors back to 1610. Intresting things: patriot Richards fought the british in the rev. war, and held positions of importance in their towns. Philemon was the only slave owner in my family (that is certain, at least), owning about 13. Despite this, his final will/inheritance documentation was religious, and somewhat repenting (tho' i doubt if that was about the slaves). I had one relative fight for the confederacy in the civil war. Outside of my direct line, one cousin shot another to death over a love interest.

So thats world-crossing, slaves, wars, murder, alchoholism. Theres even more, but I wont get into it. I can take a free Y-DNA test from these other bradfords online confirming my geneology.

I think the whole thing is interesting. I never had family tradition or culture (one might argue my culture is too much american culture to be distinguished). I love hearing about my finish, italian, or asian friends' family traditions. Somehow this genealogy gave me some sense of roots that was felt pretty cool. "Nor give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which cause dispute rather than godly edification which is in faith".

Dreams. I'm writing the begining of my novel about dreams.

I can't wait till I get my phone. I want to hang out more. I want to more than hang out more! :)

We have a guinnea pig now.
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