So, by my calculations of when I took my dose of Nyquil I should be asleep by now. Granted, I only took a half dose, since I need to be a relatively awake human being in the morning to go to work (and have to operate the heavy machinery of my car), but still. Perhaps I slept too much today?
It occurs to me that I have not been doing a good job at taking care of my mental health lately. I've been distracted by all the things around me, and thats not good. My sleep hygeine is shit, I am barely using my dbt skills, I have not really gotten outside. Hell, I have barely even picked up my camera!
Well, time to get my shit together! I have lost some footing but I will gain it back. I need to get organized with school. No, I do not want to be there, but I am there and I cannot blow it. I don't have to get A's, but I need to pass. I need to really focus on the shrines in a different way. Right now its all over the place, and I feel like I am not getting stuff done. I ordered a book for my DSLR camera tonight to help me get used to using it and give me some guidance. I have mostly felt so overwhelmed by it that I have not really done anything with it.
As soon as I get the website stuff from the commission I am going to just sit down and get it all done. Seriously its to the point of ridiculousness now. They need to get it together. I want to be done!
Last week I saw a pretty large racoon in the backyard. I saw him again two nights later, and I am seeing bunnies out late in the evening. The animals are stirring so I know spring is on its way. Spring has always been a time of renewal for me. So, lets get on with the renewal, shall we?
Thinking about going friends only with the ol' LJ. Had a lot of spamming and crap going on, and I am not sure that would help...but may be? Plus I am not so sure I feel as if I need to do this all publicly anymore, not sure if anyone non LJ related really reads or gets anything out of this. Is there a way to make your journal accessible to someone who is not a LJ user if you are friends only? Like if I wanted to allow a few folks outside of LJ to access, but not the general internet public?
I probably should really go to bed. I mean, I am still sick and its probably not helping matters any. Blech.
Before I go, if you dig photography and do not already know about
Jerry N. Uelsmann, then I urge you to check him out. I used to see his photographs in The Sun Magazine, and then Chris introduced me to him a little bit more. His work is amazing and he's quite inspiring. Also,
Peter Lik rocks, too.