[F-Fic] Haunted 1/?? (KH, VenxLea/Axel, Demyx X Zexion)

Feb 14, 2010 01:31

Disclaimer: KH is Disney's and Square Enix's (unfortunately D8  it's a yaoi game, I so swear)
Summary: Lingering spirits, taking advantage of those who miss them the most to get back at the mass murderer who is still on the loose. Ventus and Zexion exploit the undead fact to get revenge on the living with Axel and Demyx as their unwilling accomplices. AU
Pairings: Ventus/Axel, Demyx/Zexion, Axel/Roxas
Genre: Spiritual, Horror, Adventure, Tragedy... blah
- Gore. Which means, blood, details. You get the picture
- Shito: I'm warning you!!! And no, Atlantica ain't done conversion |D
- No, I'm not joking. And yes, you read right. It's VENTUS and Axel/Lea (whatever)
- Written within 24 hours. Spelling, missing details and grammar to be forgiven and pointed out.

A/N: Papa... I sms-ed you about this plot. But not in the KH terms =w=  Anyway, to Shito, I warned you in advance. You can click at your own risk and scar your mind. And yeah, I'm not even halfway through SC chapter 2 for FP lllOTL
Night had barely taken control from Day and already someone was sound asleep in his room. Sheets of paper sprawled out all over the floor, all covered in numerical markings and music scores. An electric guitar, still plugged into an amplifier lay on the floor, on a pile of music scores. The room was decorated in a series of blue and the occasional sea-green. The walls were light blue, the bed covers were dark blue, the floor carpeting was sapphire blue. The bookshelves were sea-green though, because Demyx insisted on giving them a new coat of paint and chose sea-green as the colour for the bookshelves. The boy, or rather a young man in his late teens or early twenties was out cold on the bed, dressed only in a simple white t shirt and beach shorts. Ash blond hair styled messily upwards now lay mussed on his head.

The soft light of the cell phone screen lit up the dark room, as the vibrations administered and a shrill ringtone rang out. The sleeping teenager’s eye shot wide open before fumbling for the cell phone. Blue-green eyes lit up at the name on the screen. Pressing the ‘Answer’ button, he lifted the phone to his ear and muttering a sleepy, “Hey Axe.”

“Hey, Dem. Sleeping?” the other voice replied.

Demyx yawned. “Sor-ry. Coming up with new songs is harder than it actually is,” he answered. “So what’s up?”

“Wanna hit the new club in town? I heard they have some awesome designs to the place,” the caller replied.

Clubbing again. Demyx should know. Axel had been hitting clubs for a year already. Ever since… “Axe, one night not at a club won’t kill you,” Demyx said. “Taken meds?”

He heard the other scoff. “Yeah, not hallucinating for the past weeks at least,” Axel said flatly. Demyx heard the faintest sound of pills rattling in a container. “Not to worry, I won’t overdose.”

“Overdosing is the least of your problems Axe,” Demyx replied. “So how about it? No clubbing ok?”

Groaning on the other line. “Then? What are your plans?” Axel asked.

Demyx rolled off his bed until he was sitting on the floor. “I dunno, I’m thinking maybe I’ll tackle the leftover holiday homework that Professor Vexen sadistically left on me. Zexion’s coming over to help though. I know you haven’t done yours. And we have a little less than a week of vacation left.”

Axel laughed. “Do you have to remind me?” he asked. “I have a perfect excuse to tell the professor when we get back to school.”

Demyx laughed. Axel was the ideal procrastinator. “Whatever you say Axe. If you need company, Zex and I are always here for ya.”

“I’ve memorized that Dem. You keep saying it,” Axel replied. “I’ll kill some time with the bass. Haven’t actually gone through the whole of the new song you sent the group.”

“Alright. I’ll see you in school. Talk to you tomorrow.”

Axel hung up. The caller, a boy who was extremely tall and skinny teen at the same age as Demyx, set the phone down beside a framed photo. Long red hair swept back into impossibly sharp spikes as catlike green eyes never wavered from the cell phone. “Heh. You’re in need of medication more than I do, Dem,” he muttered to no one in particular. Feeling sleepy, he walked to the bathroom to freshen up. The apartment was empty as Reno was away on night shift duty at work. Despite the brothers living in a slightly cramped box the government called an apartment, it was surprisingly neat. He walked to the bathroom and turned on the faucet. Cold water gushed out. Axel tested the temperature with his fingers while simultaneously looking up into the mirror. His green eyes turned impossibly wide. In the mirror, a small-built boy with short spiky hair stared at him, his storm blue eyes looking sad yet desperate. “Ven?!” Axel exclaimed in shock as he whirled around to look behind him. The bathroom was empty. He turned back to the mirror. The blond boy was gone.”Damn, those pills wear off fast these days,” he mumbled to himself.

Demyx put the cell phone down on his bed as he got up. Dashing out of the room and into the bathroom, he ran his hand through his already messy hair in a feeble attempt to make the strands stand. Finally deeming his head to be defying gravity as much as it possibly could, he ran out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, nearly knocking into another body in his haste.

“WHAT?! Demyx?!” the other person shouted in shock as he backed off quickly.

Demyx flailed for balance to avoid squashing the other boy on the ground. “Zexion?!” he asked in equal surprise and sighed. “How many times have I told you, not to climb in through the window? You could fall to your death!!”

The other boy was another teenager slightly younger and smaller than Demyx with short hair combed neatly to the back, save for his overgrown fringe which was swept to the right side of his face, shielding his right eye. The other eye, a bright ice blue currently displayed shock. Zexion relaxed visibly. “I knocked. But no one answered,” he replied. “And standing around waiting outside is not going to look good for you by neighbours. Or the landlord.”

Demyx nodded. “Good point,” he answered as he headed to the fridge and opened it. “Green tea for you, Zex?”

The other smiled a little. “How long have you known me, Dem? You still ask me the same thing,” he replied. “Where did you put your homework this time?”

“On the table. Under the music scores I think,” Demyx replied without looking up. “Although you might have to… ” He looked up and Zexion was nowhere in sight. “Zex?”

He returned to his room where he found the other stunned at the doorway and looking at the mess in his room. “Uh, Zex?” he called out tentatively.

Zexion turned to him, his only eye showing faint anger. “Clear up your room or I’ll never talk to you ever again,” he demanded.

Demyx sighed. “Yes sir.” As he went in and started pushing the papers into messy stacks, he grumbled, “I swear you walk like a ghost. You never say when you’re going and your footsteps are always quiet…”
A/N: I hate you Danial, a.k.a Jew DX  can you don't be so smart and think so much next time? It spoils the fun =w=  and yes, I'll get SC chapter 2 done by the end of Feb =x=


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