It was unintentional. I am not a story writer. I'm okay with scientific papers and I'm very comfortable with editing. I have been plowing through the SGA fandom without ever thinking of writing my own fic. In fact, I haven't written fiction since my early college years (15 years!!). I'm happy reading others' work. So what happened? This...
Over in the GW Shep Whump thread, Maggs posted this pic. I LOVE this pic of Joe Flanigan. He's so GQ for the REI model in this pic. I originally saw this on his IMDB page when I was first trying to learn more about the man behind John Sheppard a few years ago. Seeing it again on the Whump thread made me drool and then I realized this was more "appropriate" for the Thunk thread (although in reality, the Whump thread goes anywhere and everywhere, which is why I love it so). I started thinking what I can do to make this appropriate for the Whump thread and this was what I came up's a tag (? or is it ante?) to The Shrine.
I realize it has very little whump. The whump comes later in the actual ep. But I didn't want to whump Shep badly in this particular mission because I wanted it to contrast what happens a week later back on that planet and the subsequent 2nd Childhood illness that inflicted McKay.
They finally reached the ice dam. Cold as it may be, Sheppard was hot and sweaty. He had hauled 80 plus pounds of research equipment up 5 miles from the research camp for Dr. Nichols' team. They couldn't take a jumper since the dam was thought to be unstable for a jumper's weight. He cracked his back and stretched. It was beautiful up here and reminded him of the time he explored the glaciers in New Zealand. After setting up camp for an overnight stay, he toweled off his face and was in the process of changing out of his snow gear when one of the docs snapped off a picture. It was good memories... While the docs where busy with their remote sensors, he, Ronon and Teyla explored the glacier dam for a day before they all retreated back down to base camp. After retrieving McKay, they bid Dr. Nichols' team farewell and returned to Atlantis, reporting to Woolsey that the mission went well. One week later, Dr Nichols failed to check-in....