Jan 23, 2007 22:50
You'll all love this one.
Found a nice job.
In Washington DC.
They liked the resume...emailed me questions...
My #'s matched theirs...go position for negotiating a slightly higher pay...I wasn't expecting much, but it was pretty good pay. Something around $4000/mo.
Unfortunately, I had to explain that I am from America...made a phone call to leave a message...no matter...
Word came back...they can't sponsor me to work in America.
Damn! Denied a nice job doing what I enjoy because my own country rejects me.
As if I'm an American exile.
Natural born citizen means nothing anymore...the country may have gone to hell in the 3 years I was away.
Russia doesn't want me...America doesn't want me...
Damn just give me the gray passport already and let me die. Egg.
I think I'm heartbroken.
gray passport,
washington dc,