Did I miss something? *glances at new layout*
Well, work was work... so hungry and I can see my neighbors cooking dinner next door (mostly because their kitchen + patio deck open beneath my window. I skipped break so I could leave early, not a big deal - Bosley's is a breeze. I remembered why I hate working with Kathryn, she was driving me crazy within the first ten minutes... can't do anything by herself or to my standards, and tries to help the customer your helping - seriously, who needs two employees saying the same thing at you? I just avoided being in her general area as much as possible and bugged Krystn. Happy, the store cat, is ever so adorable but infuriating in her demand for attention without actually letting you touch her... I'm just thinking up random filler now, there really isn't much to my days. I suppose if there were I'd have better things to do than post entires. Vaguely I remember a time like that - always running out the door to this and that. I'm not sure if I miss it or not.
In reply to
tigwyk LJ post, "No, I'm not offended, I write what I want in my LJ when I want because I write it for me. Besides, I know how you feel about it and you're entitled to an opinion either way." Also, you're attraction to that woman got me thinking. I find it interesting what your choice says about you. It seems you prefer almost perfect, or ideal women - at least physically though following that thought probably mentally as well. A neat little package without baggage or 'issues'. Where as what catches my eye are things like tattoos, piercings, long hair or quirky style - definitely not the professional, clean-cut appearance. Perhaps through my thinking someone of that picture will have just as interesting and alternative a mind as they do an image. Funny that we should have such different preferences. That wasn't really going anywhere if you expected it to.
And thank you everyone who suggested things to attempt data retrieval from my laptop. But, we did send it to a competent (and friend of a friend) type dude who does that sort of thing and he had no luck. On top of that, he even took it to someone else with the same hope and same results.
Anyway, now for something a little different - I'm going to go play WoW (gasp!)