Ok so these icons were chosen by
bassairbecasue she's a babe!
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
So away we go!
Hmmm what do I say really? I loved this icon so much so I made it my default! The people started caliming "Icon Luv!" And then the most wonderful and talented
gingerlwrote a drabble about it and that sealed th deal! It is the icon I use for a lot of things and my all time fave!
Ok so I am an unashamed Doctor who fan as you all know. And so is my best friend! (
lonewolfie ) One day she and I werre talking about our fave parts of Doctor who. I belive the conversation went something like this-
"Sooo whats next Frances?"
"Hmmmmmm....I KNOW!"
"What's your faveirout Doctor Who monster?"
The rest of the story is irrelivant and will probably bore you to death. But I couldn't stop thinking about this so when I came home I went on a hunt for a adipose icon. This is what I got! So I sent it to my best freind, who then went off to find a Sontaran icon (her fave monster) and so on and so forth.
*looks at rammbling and then at readers* Hmmm is anyone still awake there?
Ok so I was midning my own buisness on youtube and suddnely a title hits me
And being the dedicated ( and worryingly obssevie) Janto fan girl I am I promplty squee'ed VERY loudly and clicked it. Needless to say I wathed it about 50 times in a row and then kept coming back to it and watching again!
Then someone brought out a batch of icons and this was one of them. I promptly squealed again and snagged!
Hmmmmm well apart from the fact that this was made by one of my all time fave artist and icon makers (AKA
bassair !) This also has one of my fave lines from Torchwood and a charecter I simply adore! I know its weird to love Owen but I do! He pessimistc and sardonic and genarlly like me! It's why I love him so and also why I love this icon!
*Giggles* Oh THAT icon! Well this one unfortuantly has no real backstory like the others. I just loved it at first sight! Its just so perfectly Torchwood and makes me giggle on regualr occasions, and in the end, isn't that really all you need in an icon? lol