Mar 10, 2015 21:51
'Been cycling a 55 gallon tank for a little over a year, (Yeah water charges+pH tests on an empty tank) and added in live plants over the last three. Lack of funds and poor timing with extended travel (Totally not going to first drop fish and leave for a weekend) when I had the extra money to get fish just kept bouncing back and forth to prevent me from actually getting the living vertebrates step going.
Did some final checks and finished this gap the last couple of days. I had recently shut down my little 5.5 office tank after my last cherry shrimp passed (had zero luck finding local places to get new compatible shrimp, since my original sets were all male...), and transplanted the live plants to the larger 55 post that.
Natural pH for our tap water fell within a really good level for working with South American river species, so I ran with that as the tank basis.
Our first set of fish were introduced tonight, a set of eight Glowlight Tetras, and four Green Corydoras Catfish.
Going to give the set up time to adjust, and let some of the newly seeded live plants take over before I add in a secondary middle level schooling set (Probably larger Tetras, Black skirt are looking like a viable placement.)
Right now I'm at a loss for a good top feeding fish native to South American streams I can add to top the tank off so to speak. If that set up isn't possible in my narrow native field, I may just add a third small schooling set and call it full.