Help me out here..

Mar 06, 2015 01:30

So I managed to finally name my favorite childhood book via only 140 characters on twitter. MAYBE, finally I can nail down the name of this animated movie I rented religiously around that same time?

First off, OTHER movies I use to rent during this time frame, I've since managed to pin down names, or at least US English translations of the original names. So I feel like this is just a one off that's slipped my grasp. (IE: Guys, So far I've FOUND ALL OF MY CHILDHOOD animated movies, BUT THIS ONE...)

Hard data facts:

~It CAN'T be newer than 1985 for release (1981-1985 seems to be the same range of OTHER films I ran into during this time period of my life). I rented this movie at a point I was between 6-8 in Denver. I RECALL watching it and renting it from a very specific video store in the same shopping plaza as my small library and Dentist building.

~The company that put it out tended to take European animated films, cheaply dub them and put them out on VHS during that time. (About 4/5 films I've refound from this time are actually native FRENCH, HUNGARIAN, DANISH, or SWEDISH redubbed for ENGLISH.

~Other films I rented from similar/same companies on VHS during this time (NOT US/ENGLISH):
Samson and sally:
The Little Fox:
The Elm-chanted Forest:
Peter No Tail: (Peter peter no tail, what else can I say...)

~ Was likely NOT US or Japanese based origin, probably redubbed non English European language, based on my later hunts for similar time frame movies I watched as a kid.

~ Not a series. This was an hour+ one off movie.

~ It's NOT BLACK CAULDRON. No pigs, not Disney.

Things I kind of remember for plot:

~ Very traditional D&D fantasy setting. Dark. Not humorous.
~ Main character was a young male knight (page, peasant??) in training, used a sword and shield.
~ Secondary characters were a princess who wanted to fight (Kind of forgettable?) and (the thing that will stand out forever since I only ate orange Popsicles for at least two years due to this character FOR SOME REASON:) a satyr/faun who could change his form. He shifted to a bird near the end to fly the main characters to a castle.
~ (Spoiler:) The hero beat the super villain shadow dragon by noticing he couldn't harm the huge shadow dragon on a physical level, instead he used his own shadow to stab the shadow beast and over come him. IE: that was the END of the movie.

I have spent YEARS trying to pin down this movie..does anything here sound familiar even for NON English movies? Any help trying to find a title is more than I have currently..


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