Delight De La Soeur

Aug 31, 2014 20:54

Delight De La Soeur;; PG

quickly wrote this for kalopsia!!! would have liked to make this a little longer and more detailed but alas. prompt request: " jongsica + jongstal -- a world where krystal has a crush on jessica's bae jonghyun and jessica is weird about it." it ended up being more about jungsis than anything but i hope some of the theme request came across ^^

He's sitting in their living room again, feet propped up on the coffee table they ordered online from Crate & Barrel. Jessica had seen the same table on an episode of that American show called "Girls" and wanted one for their new place immediately. It matches well with the yellow polka dot socks he wears today and Krystal marvels at how many times he wrinkles his feet and recrosses them from the floor above. The second floor has a clearing by the banister and it's become Krystal's favorite part in the condo to just stand and watch whatever goes on below. Lately it's been Jonghyun just watching television, snoozing off, waiting for Jessica to get home from her airport travels.

"Why can't you just pick her up at the airport? Or you know, wait until she calls you before you decide to come over?" Krystal shouts, her echo rippling in the air before it falls down to the bottom floor. Jonghyun looks adoringly back up, the weird hipster glasses he's become obsessed with scrunching against his nose. He crosses his feet again and pats the seat cushion next to him, beckoning Krystal to keep him company.

"It wouldn't do any good to not be able to not bother you, now would it? Killing two birds with one stone and all." Jonghyun says it in Korean, thinking it's an old Chinese proverb but Krystal translates the saying in English in her head, the words mulling her thoughts as she makes her way downstairs. She reluctantly and obediently takes the seat next to him, growling a bit when he pets her hair like a puppy.

"I'm not a little child anymore," she announces before she childishly lunges for the remote on the other cushion across from him. He doesn't fight her for it, and he pats her head some more while she meanders between channels, finally landing on the classic version of The Great Gatsby.

"There's no subtitles," Jonghyun whines, tugging at Krystal's hair when she refuses to turn the Hangul on for him. But she remains persistent, faithful to her belief that reading kills the moment. Of course, she's been blessed with being bilingual, but it's his fault that he's not, not hers. It's near the end of the movie and the scene turns into a sad one, when Nick has a great epiphany about Daisy and Gatsby and Krystal feels something in her chest swell up. She fights that girly instinct to tear up because her gut tells her that Jonghyun is watching over her curiously just waiting for those tears to fall.

"Stop it," Krystal shoves him on the side not bothering to turn from the television, finally swatting his hand away from her hair. A bunch of fancy codes start to beep mechanically in the air and the unmistakable sound of a door slamming forces Krystal to detach herself from the movie.

"My loves," Jessica enters the living room dramatically, emphasizing her exhaustion as she bends over behind the sofa to embrace them from their backs. "I've missed you so much. Traveling sucks ass."

"Hey," Jonghyun replies back, sort of nuzzling his face into her neck that's hiding behind the masses of air from her leaning over above them. He takes his hand out of Krystal's hair, strands of it getting caught when he reaches for Jessica's chin, raising himself slightly for a tiny peck. Krystal watches the polka dots in his socks retract and flex as he does it, the big toes sticking oddly through the fabric. It's not that she finds them to be a terrible couple or anything, it's more that no matter how mature Krystal has become, the entire idea of public displays of affection is thoroughly nauseating. Her tongue must have been sticking out slightly because as if on cue, Jessica flips her attention away from Jonghyun and sickeningly covers Krystal's face with a thousand kisses, her sticky rose colored lip gloss staining Krystal's bare face.

"Did you miss me while I was gone?" Jessica asks, and her boyfriend and sister both reply back yes, knowing how Jessica gets when she needs attention. "Perfect." she muses, leaving her suitcases behind the sofa while she climbs over it, burrowing her head into Jonghyun's lap, her legs, arms and everything else sprawled onto Krystal. She tucks one of Krystal's hands into her own, caressing it onto her cheek before reaching for Jonghyun's as well. Jonghyun squeezes Krystal's hand in the triangle sandwich and she gets weird about how tingly his skin feels, warm and smooth and secure like he could protect her, them, from something, whatever, forever.

"I think I'm getting a sister boner," he jokes and Jessica laughs when Krystal immediately pulls her hand away from theirs crossing her arms into her sides. The movie had finished sometime before this and she looks at the empty screen with devastating heartbreak.

"I want love like that one day," she mourns dreamily, turning back to hold her sister's hand, only to discover its current occupation with Jonghyun's own, in a war of intertwined limbs. Jessica accidentally kicks Krystal when she gets too excited before Jonghyun suddenly pounces over both of them tackling them into a tickle fight. Krystal hesitates on joining in even though this seems to happen more frequently after they got back together, but she joins in when Jessica tickles her between the funny spot from her calf and the back of the knee.

"Unfair," she cries, begging Jonghyun to help her from the front as she grabs Jessica's legs and Jonghyun grabs her arms and they stand up and then throw Jessica to the ground like a play toy. Jessica whimpers and starts to fake cry in exasperation and then rapidly she turns on her sister, binding Krystal's legs with her arms wrapped at the bottom from the floor. "Let me go," Krystal cries, yelping when her older sister playfully bites her bare legs as Jonghyun does the rest of the work and pulls her arms behind her, his warm and smooth skin taut against her own. He pinches her sides until she begs for mercy and suddenly she's not having much fun anymore, her heart uncomfortably pounding when he pulls at the skin underneath her shirt, not thinking much of it. Her sister looks up at her from the floor, grin plastering on her face, hidden by mounds of messy unkempt hair, just the image the public could never imagine to see.

"I'm quitting my job tomorrow," Jessica finalizes again, "there's nothing more I need in life than moments like this."

She starts to cry again, for real this time and Jonghyun unwraps himself from Krystal and leans down to pick Jessica up from the floor, tenderly pulling her to the sofa and cradling her in his lap, trying to silent her tears in an unspoken understanding. Jessica's been like this a lot lately, ever since she and Krystal moved in together, and her relationship fell back into place, the patterns of her adulthood coming in such synchronization that it was scaring her. Krystal might be growing older, but she doesn't quite understand it all quite yet, that feeling of uncertainty becoming something from the past and she knows it's only a matter of time before Jessica's words ring true and she does grow up from idolhood and all that jazz and settle down and get married and have that picket white fence, 2.5 children and a dog named Happy that she's horrifically allergic to. Krystal thinks about Gatsby and Daisy and their ill fated love while she watches Jonghyun tuck his fingers around Jessica's cheeks like they belong there, sweetly licking the tears falling from her face with his fingertips like it's medicine. Love cures all and it makes Krystal's stomach feel queasy. ''I need a nap."

"Same here," Jessica replies back, somewhat already falling asleep in the comfort of Jonghyun's brazen arms. He looks apologetically at Krystal as if to say a combination of if there were room for the both of you in my arms, I'd do it, and I'm sorry I stole your sister away from you. He gets it though, Krystal knows, gets what they are like, what it's supposed to be like, and she secretly resents him for it.

Sometimes, they eat like a happy little family in the kitchen. They barely go out to eat, at least not her included because she hates all the attention that comes with it, and he never invites her over to his place when her sister goes over. "It's because they'd ravage you alive," he always tells her, and she's unsure if he's being protective of his bandmates or over her. She likes to think it's the latter. Jonghyun has stolen the ugly orange and pastel pink apron that Jessica had bought from Bora Bora for Krystal and appropriated as his, saying that he's allowed to because he's the one that does the cooking the most. Krystal shrugs when he suggests that she help him, raising her eyebrows when he asks her to find that one thing to stir that other thing in one of the cupboards. Jessica isn't much help either on rare afternoons of freedom like this, burrowing her face into her hands at just how cute Jonghyun looks with all that flour on his nose and the way his hips jut out when he can't figure out how much a tablespoon really is.

"Chef Jjong," they both call out, mocking his new nickname when he serves them some braised meat, milky pastries, and chunky potatoes. He never makes them Korean food, even when they insist all they'd ever be happy with is some market bought kim bim bap. Jessica starts taking several pictures when he brings the food over, snapping rapidly when he pouts his fat mouth at Krystal, trying to feed her.

"Gross," Krystal shuts her own lips and turns her side away, refusing the hot food from the hot fingers, eyeing her sister smiling behind the camera.

"You can feed me chef," Jessica seductively calls from the other side of the table and bites her eager lips until Jonghyun rushes over and spoon feeds her a mouthful of potatoes. Krystal tries to look away but ends up watching them anyway for the entertainment aspect of it, until her sister asks Jonghyun for a kiss and something more instead of another bite of food.

"Later," he grins, politely pointing at Krystal. He has manners that tend to pop out of nowhere and Krystal wonders if it's supposed to be a compliment that she's being remembered in such an intimate time of hunger. Her sister's face flickers with heat for just a moment, so minutely short that anyone else would have missed what it was supposed to mean, but not Krystal, and Krystal gets up to leave, her stomach churning from the smell of food and heavy lack of appetite.

"No, stay, Soojung," her sister coos. "You don't care if we're a little horny around you, do you? Besides, like you agreed the three of us are going to be together forever. Might as well get used to it."

Krystal feigns another shrug, unable to get up from across the table. Maybe this was a different type of test from her sister, the malicious kind they never played against each other before. Part of forcibly growing up. Krystal watches as Jessica dares her back to, curling her hand around the back of Jonghyun's neck, forcing him to inch closer. Jonghyun's eyes stay locked on Krystal, all too aware that there's some incestuous sister game going on and he's currently just a pawn in the middle of it. Jessica kisses Jonghyun like a monster and Krystal stays still, watching them devour each other like her sister asks her to. And when it ends, because Jonghyun eventually pulls away, cautious eyes framed on Krystal like she's about to break, he leads Jessica away and into the privacy of her bedroom, Krystal resignedly sits back, munching on the potatoes that went cold, impressed with how moist and succulent Jonghyun cooked them.

She wakes up with fingers caressing her face and tiny droplets of water evaporating on her dried out skin. Her sister is hovering over her with a concerned look, her hair carelessly wrapped in a towel, her terrycloth robe itching Krystal's arm over her blanket. "You alright? You're breaking into a little fever."

"How long have you been watching me like this?"

"A while." Jessica holds a hand to Krystal's head for the fifth time that hour, frowning, not pleased with the result. "you're getting sick."

"I'm fine," Krystal feels her face flustering. They usually tell each other everything, but her bad habit of being vague kicks in, "just dreaming too much."

"He's left you know," Jessica says, like she's reading her mind in that way only sisters can do. Krystal shifts in the bed endlessly, almost mistaking the pause in Jessica's sentence for a hint that they've broken up, "I mean he's gone back to his place for the night. It's just you and me. You can tell me anything now."

"I've missed you," Krystal says back pretending that's what her sister wants to hear. Jessica combs Krystal's loose hair behind her ear, appreciating the way her younger sister looks with eight hours of sleep on her.

"Have you been thinking about anyone special lately?"

"No," Krystal lies, swallowing her nervous saliva full of bullshit. "Why?"

"Just thinking. I don't want you to be lonely."

"I'm not lonely. I have you," Krystal props herself on her elbows, quivering her mouth a bit, wondering if she could continue. "and Jonghyun."

They stare at each other, similar eyes reading each other bravely and not so bravely, lips pursed in a knowing acknowledgment that some things just can't be addressed.

"He thinks you're beautiful. He tells me it all the time," Jessica strokes Krystal's arm cautiously, and Krystal wonders if her sister is trying to make her feel better about the whole thing. "He talks about you whenever you're not there."

"Good, because I'm probably going to be moving in whenever you guys decide to go public with your relationship and get married."

"I'd never pick anyone over you," Jessica says, like another test to see if Krystal would pick someone over her back. Krystal doesn't say anything but the answer is obvious. "If you want to ever, like...experiment or something with...with...I mean I wouldn't get angry at you. I'd understand."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Krystal lies again, her throat throbbing, knowing exactly what her sister means. But she'd never.

"Okay," Jessica finalizes, crawling into bed with her sister while they both think it over. "good."


pairing: jonghyun/krystal, group: shinee, pairing: jessica/jonghyun, pairing: jessica/krystal, group: f(x), group: girls' generation

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