Hooray for narcissism!

May 24, 2016 14:23

I was just googling myself (as ya do) and found that I have now been cited for a third time (the first time was Mantaman citing a seminar paper of mine in a footnote to a footnote; the second was a throwaway citation of my dissertation by Andrew Granade in his Partch book).

Someone named Karma Lochrie (apparently a senior professor of English and Gender Studies at Indiana University) cited and quoted my "Big Rock Candy Mountain" article in a book published this year by Penn called Nowhere in the Middle Ages. The citation appears in an endnote, but Google Books doesn't include the relevant page in their preview.

The chapter where the citation appears is titled, "Somewhere in the Middle Ages: The Land of Cokaygne, Then and Now." From the endnote it looks like she used my article to substantiate a claim about Cockaigne (as it's spelled in my article) and twentieth-century popular culture.

So I guess this is the first time somebody who I don't personally know has cited me. Cool!
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