Oh for fucks sake:
http://news.com.com/N.Y.+lawmaker+hopes+to+ban+iPod+use+in+crosswalks/2100-1047_3-6157109.html I heartily encourage any one with 30 seconds to spare to send this nitwit and email and tell him to cut it the frell out.
My email to him:
Dear Senator Kruger,
I understand that "saving lives" is good politics. Your proposed bill to ban iPod usage however is not. I can only hope that this bill, which is perhaps the stupidest thing I have heard in well over 10 years, is a career limiting maneuver on your part. You make me ashamed to be a Democrat. _THERE_ _HAS_ _TO_ _BE_ _SOME_ _PERSONAL_ _RESPONSIBILITY_ _FOR_ _ONES_ _ACTIONS_. This is not like people who are talking on the phone while driving where they can kill other people. If you are sincerely interested in saving lives in New York City try this - require senior citizens to take yearly driving tests. After all, every month there is a story about some "little old lady" who got confused between the brake and the gas and ran down a crowd of people or slammed her car in to someones house. Oh, I forgot. That would lose you the AARP vote. For Christ's sake get a clue ( and for that matter a life ).
If you were in my district the day that you proposed this would be the day I started a recall petition. I sincerely hope that New Yorkers are LESS forgiving than I am.