First of all, thanks so much for all the congrats on my MARRIAGE (omg!) - it'd take forever to go through them all and thank you all properly, but you are SO AWESOME and I love all my heartless robot friends and all my lurkers!
I hope everyone had a great holiday! It's a shiny new year! 2008! Should I do a fic wrap up? I have nothing else for you - I have to think up a new epic or something, to counteract the complete ridiculousness of my last two fics (whooooo!!)
Although I still have some SGA on this list, and one random AWESOME (I'm so modest) Harry Potter fic, 2007 was the year bandslash stole my heart, my brain, my soul. Oh, Brendon. What I wouldn't give for you to actually be a gay indiscriminate hugger who's afraid of teenage girls *le sigh*. These are listed from oldest to newest. Maybe you'll find one you missed!
The Long Journey Home - Would you believe that I hadn't even heard of the Citizen Joe SG-1 episode when came up with this? I think that makes it better, though. You can compare it to the ep if you want, but I didn't have any preconceived notions in my head when I wrote the story. I especially love this version of Sheppard. He's sort of shy, which you wouldn't think would work. So, yeah, I'm kind of proud of the scope of this thing.
Hufflepuffs Are Not Puppies, Feel Free To Kick; The More You Get, The More You Have; If A Job's Worth Doing, It's Worth Paying Someone Else To Do It - OR: Three Bagglevarger Ficlets. You either liked the Bagglevarger SGA/HP crossover or you didn't. I had fun writing these, though. Especially Rodney's encounters with Tonks :)
Everything Else is Secondary - So right when I started reading bandslash, but was too afraid to attempt writing it, I wrote John and Rodney in a band. But not a band that you'd automatically assume they'd have. I like this one because it's probably something that shouldn't really work. John's the new drummer for Able-bodied Men.
Turn Sharp - Another HP/SGA crossover. Third in my
directional series. Not as well liked as Stay Left and Go Far, Hermione gets suckered onto an away team with Malfoy. I like it for the dynamic between Hermione and Draco, and Hermione and Ron, and how it shows Draco and Ron's relationship - or lack of - from the outside.
Otherwise - Okay, clearly this is the best pure Harry Potter fic I've ever written. I mean. Ginny has rage blackouts. She's a hard drinker and collects scythes. How can that not be comedy gold? And the Ginny pairing is one of those unconventional ones that I love dearly.
There Should Be A Name For Something Like This - My first bandslash fic! You can probably tell I was just feeling around, not quite as comfortable in their voices as I should have been, but this is the beginning of my downward spiral. Brendon and Spencer are just so damn cute.
Never Was A Badger So - I love crossovers. Crossovers are awesome, because I can place characters I'm maybe not super comfortable with yet into a setting that I know like the back of my hand. Plus, Brendon seriously makes an awesome Hufflepuff. For serious.
The Pete Wentz Guide to Time Travel (Panic! At the Disco's Excellent Adventure) - What could be better than a Panic! Bill and Ted parody?? TIME TRAVELING BUICKS, OKAY? That never stops being hilarious to me.
Supersaturation - Panic! boys on a 'gate team. Panic! boys in outer space, with all of bandom cameoing. I sort of had a ridiculous amount of fun with this.
This Is Not A Fairytale - This isn't a fairytale. It's Spencer falling in love. I kind of love this a lot.
Certain Coasts Set Apart - AKA the fic that I posted blind. Seriously, I had
castoffstarter encouraging me and saying all this lovely stuff, but I just didn't know. I had never written anything like it before, and haven't since, and I'm still not sure where it came from.
The Blue Castle - A not!fic, a writing exercise. I like the prose in this, especially the bits about William.
Ryan of Green Gables - Another not!fic that is sort of a mess, writing wise, with POVs going all over the place, but I love it a lot. Everyone fits so perfectly in this little world.
Close Enough For True - My bandslash fairytale gone pear-shaped. Snow White, gay-style. I've never written anything in this omniscient story-telling way before, but I think it fits really well.
The Animal Shelter AU with clumsygyrl - Comment fic! Yeah, we rock. My favorite is T-Bone the parrot.
Anywhere You Let It Go - My epic, possibly my most favorite thing I've ever written. Working title was the Brendon Urie Coming Out fic, but it ended up having a huge amount of Patrick in it. And Patrick's adorably stoic baby.
Special Delivery For Hoops McCann - One Crazy Summer AU. I like the sparse way I wrote this.
The Way It Is Now - Brendon is totally afraid of girls. That's kind of the best concept ever, and should be used way more in fics. THEY HAVE CREEPY DEAD-LIKE HANDS.
The Thoughts of Youth Are Long, Long Thoughts - I love unlikely AUs. Another one that probably shouldn't work, but I think it does anyway. Panic! are Pete's old forgotten toys.
the first rule of broom-wielding - So I honestly had no idea this would be as well-loved as it is. I went into it exactly how I went into DT - just write whatever the hell popped into my head. It turned out even more ridiculous than I'd thought it would.
Featuring Murray, Starring Rootbeer, And Z Is Totally Short For Zombie - Halloween, horses, Michael Jackson, BOYS.
Just One Of The Girls - Stupid, ridiculous, over-the-top, implausible. Fun, fun, fun. Ryan Ross dressed as a girl is just hilarious to me.
The Small Wonder AU with natacup82 - Comment fic! RYAN IS A ROBOT BOY. ROBOT. BOY. Mama Patrick, though, is my favorite part.
some dude's basement - Just a little ficlet, where Frank is high and Bob is tolerant up to a point.
the best planner of plans - Brendon is totally great a seducing Mikeyway.
cutest thing since puppies - Never Was A Badger So 'verse, in which Brendon thinks Neville is adorable. Massively stupid, but whatever.
resist the darkness - Gerard is sly and Pete is overprotective.
Solvation - Epic sequel to Supersaturation. This totally went its own way, and I love it for that. Weirdly serious, way longer than I'd planned.
Enthalpy - Solvation spin-off. Frank and Gerard sort of break my heart.
The Monroeville Farms Starlight Ride - Sequel to Featuring Murray..., even more boys and horses, Christmas edition. I can't wait to write more!
The World May Never Know - So I ended the year with the Who Council, Adam Brody, and stealth games of Battle Ship. It's weirdly appropriate, right?
Can I get a who from the Who Council?